Do these sentences make sense? If not, why?

by Symptom Advice on November 30, 2010

1. I have many symptoms of cholera. but she didn't have any of them.

2. when I tried on my three white shirts, I didn't find that any of them fitted me any more.
3. when I tried on my three white shirts, I found that not one fitted me any more.
4. when I tried on my three white shirts, I didn't find not one of them fitted me any more.
5. when I tried on my three white shirts, I found that even not one fitted me any more.
6. when I tried on my three white shirts, I didn't find even not one of them fitted me any more.

1. needs a comma instead of a period.
2. fitted should be fit
3. fitted should be fit
4. fitted should be fit, double negative with didn't and not
5. fitted should be fit
6. fitted should be fit, double negative with didn't and not

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