Do you find people accept the positive symptoms of schizophrenia (voices, delusions) more than the negative?

by Symptom Advice on February 27, 2011

(poverty of thought, lack of motivation, social isolation, blunting of emotions etc)
Which symptoms do you suffer from?

dunno. i'll have to ask the voice in my head what he thinks

huh? i would ask you to consider this person and then tell me what the positive aspects of delusion are, because i just dont see any……

schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that can make the lives of sufferers very distressing. i know someone diagnosed with schizophrenia who, due to the medication he was on whilst in a psychiatric hospital, became so distressed that he leapt out of his bedroom window, and so now he has brain damage to deal with as well as schizophrenia

though schizophrenia is a much misunderstood illness, it is still a very serious one

if you yourself have schizophrenia then you dont have my sympathy cos i dont think youd want it. prob better if i just say we're not all like that ignoramus above with the witless quip

edit – oh ok. forgive me, i misunderstood. we each are different, i can only speak from my own secondary experience of schizophrenia. and so, based on that experience, i still have misgivings about viewing delusion as a beneficial trait

dont misunderstand me, im not having a go, far from it. just speaking as i find

I don't think voices and delusions are 'accepted', most people are badly informed about this disease yet still have enough general knowledge to know that hearing voices is a sign of severe mental problems…

I once supported a lady who found her voices comforting; they were of her late Mother and she found them reassuring.

Now that you have explained it..I do not have that illness but my husbands ex-wife does. for us it easier to accept the positive.

I have half a mind to answer this question but I'll leave it for the time being.

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