Does anybody know what Multiple sclerosis is and what symptoms you had ?

by Symptom Advice on April 28, 2011

well beginning about 10 yrs ago i started having trouble with my eye sight blurred vision floaters and things like that and over the years it seems that is getting better but still have trouble sometimes now i have had weakness in my arms and legs . i am in pain all the time in my back legs feet arms neck problems , depression dizziness sometimes i dont know what to do i really dont im thinking very serouisly about asking my doctor to test me for MS . anybody out there have it and could tell me what their symptoms was ?

Multiple Sclerosis (abbreviated MS, also known as disseminated sclerosis or encephalomyelitis disseminata) is a chronic, inflammatory, demyelinating disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS). MS can cause a variety of symptoms, including changes in sensation, visual problems, muscle weakness, depression, difficulties with coordination and speech, severe fatigue, cognitive impairment, problems with balance, overheating, and pain. MS will cause impaired mobility and disability in more severe cases.

:) hope i helped, please rate my answer:)

the only thing i know off hand about it is that it becomes painful to walk and there is pain in the back and legs, etc….
Hope things turn out well for you

I have a friend with advanced MS. She has had none of your symptoms. It actually sounds like you may have ME which is not very nice but temporary. MS is a condition which causes gradual paralysis in the body. My friend's symptoms were all to do with numbness initially, especially in her mouth and tongue.

I have a different autoimmune disease, but it mimics MS. one difference is there are no sure tests for MS, but blood tests can tell if you have Antiphospholipid Syndrome I am including 2 links for you about this seldom tested for disease. It is considered rare, but I know for a fact that it is very common. best wishes.

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