Does anyone know of a condition that has symptoms similar to endomitriosis other than ovarian cancer or cysts?

by Symptom Advice on December 27, 2010

Ive been checked now for kidney stones, gall stones, appendicitis, ovarian cancer and now endometriosis. they found endo in my left uretur. now here is my problem. My pain is on my RIGHT side and goes down my right leg. its a dull pulsing pain that has been causing trouble for 2 years now and they say since the endo is on my left it may not be causing the pain on my right. does anyone know of a similar condition that exhibits symptoms like endometriosis? they also say that it could be referred pain but I never feel pain on the area where they found a problem. Im desperate! Im so tired of being in anonymous pain!!!

PS by they I mean Gyno dr

I'm surprised you haven't had an MR done to look for a prolapsed intervertebral disc. that could cause pain to radiate down your leg.

I have left sided pain and a big right sided fibroid and some little fibroids. I wonder if "they" are reading the correct side of the test or if this is a common phenomena…. :)

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