Does anyone know what these symptoms mean for my dog?

by Symptom Advice on September 2, 2010

All day today my labrador retriever has been dripping clear drool, looks miserable (but is not whining), and her stomach doesn't look 100% healthy. . .I've heard about the stomach flipping thing, but I wondered if there was anything else theses symptoms would mean, like something less serious. Is there anything that I can do, or has this ever happened to your dog and you know what's wrong? She's been sleeping an extra lot too, and she has this really miserable look on her face.

you don't want your dog to be miserable. Call a Vet.

She may be suffering from a bad stomach ache or stomach bug. but don't trust my word, call your vet. They're there to help you with things like this, and if there's nothing wrong better safe than sorry.

i cant beleive someone would take the time to write about such a problem when you could be on your way to a vet

im not sure what it is, but it sounds like something my dog just recently had, where his nose was running and he slept all the time and looked way too unhappy. we took him to the vet and they still didn't know what the problem was, but his lungs were filled with liquid, and he had to recover from it. it might just be nothing, but definitely go to a vet and get her checked out; you dont want anything bad to happen to her!

Well it could be something as least serious as la oose tooth or it could mean there is another health problem, if it came on suddenly and you haven't noticed it before, it very well could possibly indicate a health problem. It's always best to be safe than sorry. I'd take her to the vet.

Time to go to the vets? if you think something is up with a dog that YOU know is not looking or acting right you need to have it checked out.

Is its belly hard? Does it whine when you push on it? It might have Gastric dilatation volvulus (GDV)(stomach flipping). However since your dog is a lab then it is probably not. She might also have been poisoned or something like that. Ether way I would take her to the vet immediately.

Take her to the vet tomorrow. they can check her out, maybe take an X-ray. If her stomach's flipped, they'll be able to put it back and maybe make sure it won't do it again.

i am a vet and it doesn't matter what else it could be with symptoms like that it needs to be taken to the emergency animal hospital immediately because it could die within hours

If you are not feeling well you would look miserable to. Call a Vet.

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