Does fish oil reduce adhd symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on February 8, 2011

I have a feeling that I have adhd but I took fish oil and now I feel much more focused when I do daily tasks and I get much less spacey even when having daily conversations with other people. So does fish oil really work? Or is this just some placebo and something else is helping me out?

I have major depression and one psychiatrist suggested I try fish oil. there has been quite a bit of research on the use of the omega 3 that is in fish oil. In fact, there is a prescription form of omega 3 called Lovaza. The fish oil and Lovaza did not work for me, but my case is difficult.

If fish oil seems to be helping you to focus and be less spacey, I say go for it. whether it is a placebo or not, if it is helping you, then keep taking it. Many orthodox psychiatric meds approved by the FDA work just barely better than placebos.

Here is a link about adhd and omega 3 (the active ingredient in fish oil). there is so much info in this link that if you can understand it all, you are probably cured of adhd :-)…

There are many general supplements that are helpful for ADHD symptoms and fish oil is one of them. some of the others are GABA and L-tyrosine. However, to really treat ADD symptoms the stimulants are needed or the all natural alternative called ADD-care and can be found at

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