Does hair fall out, skin and eyes yellow and faver occur symptoms of cancer?

by Symptom Advice on April 19, 2011

What are the early symptoms of digestive cancer and leg cancer?

Hair loss is a side effect of chemotherapy.

That sounds more like malaria than cancer. Don't ask here. go to a doctor.

There are very few "early" signs of digestive cancer. you usually don't get symptoms until you have a more advanced case. That's why early screening tests are very important: endoscopy, colonoscopy, occult blood in the stool test, etc. SEE YOUR DOCTOR for these tests.

There is no such thing as "leg cancer". There are many cancers that can affect the leg–the skin of the leg, the bones, the blood vessels, and so forth. But nothing generally known as "leg cancer." Again, go see a doctor for a diagnosis.

"Christin" is right – this does sound like malaria, but if you live in the USA or most developed countries this isn't very likely.

I'm guessing you meant "fever."
Fever is not a common presenting sign for any of the many types gastrointestinal tract malignancies – nor would fever be likely with an extremity cancer such as a sarcoma (muscle, bone, cartilage) or melanoma.

"Skin and eyes yellow" sounds like jaundice – elevated bilirubin. This suggest a liver problem. Along with fever, the first thing to think of is hepatitis. There are several viral types.

Hair loss can occur with any severe body stress. we don't see hair loss with cancer unless we are treating with one or more of the chemotherapy drugs that cause this as a side effect.

I hope this person is seeing his or her primary care physician.
Once in the medical care system – appropriate consultations may be obtained.

Cancer of any kind is very low on the differential diagnosis list in this described case.

Have you been to the doctors to figure out rather or not you have cancer?

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