Does Singulair work for decongestion as well as asthmatic allergy symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on February 8, 2011

My boyfriend recently started taking Claritin-D to help with his allergies to dust mites, mold spores and pet dander. While regular Claritin seems to work on his burning eyes and difficulty breathing, it doesn't help with congestion. He started taking Claritin-D to combat all his symptoms, but is discouraged by the price. His doctor is resistant to write a prescription because it is now sold over the counter. He's hoping to switch to a Singulair prescription or something similar so that it is covered by insurance, but is afraid that it won't help with his congestion. Does anyone know if Singulair works as a decongestant as well? if not, what does? Thanks!

Singulair does NOT have decongestant activity and will NOT help your boyfriend in this case. E-mail or im me, I can give you some more suggestions.

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