Does smoking marijuana during pregnancy cause autism or symptoms that mirror autism to the unborn child?

by Symptom Advice on February 7, 2011

I wouldn't risk it.

First of all, smoking anything during pregnancy deprives the fetus of oxygen. Just as smoking tobacco is discouraged in pregnant women, so is smoking marijuana. Smoking any type of substance interferes with the fetus's blood supply. this can mean the fetus doesn't get enough oxygen, and s/he may be born smaller in both weight and length. Smaller babies have a higher risk of other problems after birth, such as infections, severe jaundice, difficulty feeding, breathing problems, low blood sugar, difficulty regulating temperature, bleeding into the brain, and problems with vision.

No it doesn't..I work as a Medical Assistant at an OBGYN office, I asked the DR's and I have seen it with NUMEROUS patients..There is no scientific connection between the two. Scientists have not found any effect on smoking marijuana while pregnant..

But I advice all Pregnant women put that blunt down as soon as you see have a positive pregnancy test..Because DR's these days will do random drug test on you anytime during the pregnancy..and they have the right too.If the DOCS suspects that the chick is on something they will test her asap..

We had a women who was positive for marijuana and cocaine.The DR reported her to Department of Children and Families and they still are fighting for the custody of their child..The media scares people telling them that smoking weed messes up the children..Thinking it will make them stop..but the possiblity of having their child taken away will..

The effects of smoking marijuana have not been linked to autism or autistic symptoms, however smoking ANYTHING during pregnancy deprives the fetus of oxygen. Smoking any type of substance also interferes with the fetus's blood supply. secondly, marijuana is frequently and unpredictably "cut" with other substances. so the fetus may be unintentionally exposed to other potentially harmful substances in addition to marijuana. Marijuana can also be transmitted through breast milk. It can be as much as 8 times higher in breast milk than in the mother's bloodstream.

Pregnancy. Marijuana. Bad.
Ok, here's some details. getting pregnant is going to be harder in the first place. Usually, male partners abuse the same substances that their female counterparts do. In men, marijuana decreases testosterone, sperm count, and potency. Needless to say, not a winning combination for conception. Women who smoke marijuana have increased risk of abnormalities in ovulation and therefore more infertility. this risk is enhanced when the use is within one year before attempting conception. this risk did not change with frequency or length of use. so, that means that even occasional use of small amounts of marijuana can decrease women's fertility.

But many women overcome those hurdles. then, they go on to have higher rates of spontaneous abortion, pregnancy complications, and problems with labor and delivery. Birth defects are associated with marijuana use. Fathers' use lead to higher rates of certain heart abnormalities. Mothers' use is associated with mutant lymphocytes–deranged immune cell factors–which could later lead to higher rates of childhood cancers.

But wait–there's more. Their newborns can experience mild withdrawal and some nervous system effects. and the toxic effects of pre-natal marijuana exposure is the gift that keeps on giving. Effects are often not readily apparent in newborns. still, psychologists who have studied these babies have found neurological delays. likewise, few negative effects are apparent between the ages of 1 and 3. but a woman shouldn't be fooled if she has heard of a study where the very young kids show no ill effects. Pre-natal marijuana exposure effects what are called "higher cognitive functions" which don't express themselves until later. at four years old, decreases in verbal ability and memory can be found in those kid exposed to pre-natal marijuana use. at ages 5 and 6, more problems with attention span are found. Needless to say, none of this sets the kid up for a great experience in grade school. at ages 9-12, the same problems persist and compound. Pre-natally exposed to marijuana kids have lower impulse control, don't do as well on certain types of analysis and reasoning tasks, and have lower reading and language skills.

So best advice–quit. Ideally, a woman and her partner should quit long before they try for conception. Should a woman find herself pregnant while still using, she should seek out a treatment program immediately. Quitting any substance abused is difficult, but pregnancy is the strongest motivator for women. There are treatment programs geared towards women, and some even geared towards pregnant women.

it can…it can cause alot of birth defects but nothing has been "PROVEN" yet [ive heard]…so theres alot of crack head women that try to stick up for smoking weed while pregnant. but why SHOULD anything have to be proven??? its a DRUG. the bottom line…dont do it whether you are or arent pregnant..ESPECIALLY when you are pregnant though.

and bellas sister is FULL OF ISH…either that or she was seeing a doctor with NO lisence.

EDIT: a girl i went to HS with smoked weed throughout her pregnancy and there is something not quite right about her little girl now, i dont know what it is or if she has even brought her to be diagnosed by a mental health doctor [her daughter is about 3] but she is definatly "not all there"…its so sad because i just KNOW its because of her horrible crack head mother. i called CPS on her one night but they never did anything to her….its pitiful

Honey please do not smoke marijuana while you are pregnant. It is very unhealthy for the baby. You could damage the baby's body and brain. and all hospitals drug test new born babies to see if the mother did any drugs during pregnancy and if it comes out positive they will take your baby away immediately!! Please do not smoke pot!

I don't know exactly. I know of a lady that did while she was pregnant back in the 80's with her son. he is 20 something and perfectly fine. but who knows, I wouldn't take the chance of doing anything that could negatively effect my unborn child. That goes from smoking dope to eating sushi.

yea, kinda. In a way.

its alot better then ciggs tho!!! That has tar and toxic ****.

Mary jane is natural unless it's laced with something.

Its better to stop. You'll notice your baby wont move as much and if it makes u high, its do worse to the baby.

Most babies dont have problems.

Lets say the blood cell is suppose to be an inch big, Well every time you take a hit and the blood cell that carry it to you baby are only 1/4 of an inch and he or she cant breath as much.

Smoking cigs causes MUCH more harm to a unborn baby.
And if you smoke both cigs and marijuana you should cut cigs immediately and try to cut back on the weed eventually quiting.

Dr's advise from them to me, from me to you :)

not that i know of
but smoking anything during pregnancy deprives the baby of oxygen..which can cause a variety of problems…
save the trees for after the baby is born to be safe

MOST people are just judgmental, I wouldn't smoke during pregnancy, but one of my friends that was a severe anorexic was told by her doctor to try smoking maryjane and it helped her.


A woman i know smoked marijuana during pregnancy and she has an autism child… the child has other issues also.

well, yes it does, it can also cause your child to become downsyndrome and cause braindamage.

Why would you smoke at all during pregnancy? let alone something illegal….

Who knows? The answer is really irrelevant. You shouldn't smoke when you are pregnant! only idiots do that.

Ummm… What idiot smokes while they're pregnant???

i don't know if it does,but hopefully your not doing that

well dah why do u think they tell u not to that & maybe bc it is illegal

when my sister was pregnant, her doctor told her many of his patients would smoke to ease the morning sickness and such. he recommended that if she do it, she only smokes a puff or two, and not get completely baked. also clearly not every day! it is fine unless ur smoking bongs all day long :P


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