Does smoking marijuana help ease the pain in crohn's disease?

by Symptom Advice on March 15, 2011

I want to know if medical marijuana helps with the symptoms of Crohn's Disease such as intestinal pain due to obsturction, bloating, flagulence, and etc. I also would like to know if it helps with physical symptoms like arthritis pains and scoliosis.

My best friend has crohns and marijuana help her pain,Medical marijuana has been good for all types of pain including cancer.she tried everything and marijuana help her,its safe has no side effects after all its a natural herb with alot medical uses,It is safer for arthriris than Nacortics and it is not addictive

If you haven't already, you should read the "Maker's diet"! It talks alot about crohn's diease and how to cure it with hso probiotics and diet. This guy tried everything because he had the worst case of Chrohn's disease out there. he was able to become completly cured.

good luck

"A young Jewish man, Jordan Rubin, who almost died from Crohn’s disease, has written a book, “The Maker’s Diet,” which describes a diet that comes directly from the Bible. It is contrary to what he would be allowed to follow if Universal Health Care is enacted. he plunged from 180 pounds to 100 pounds during his battle.
The diet which he discovered in the Bible is very low in carbohydrate and high in fat and protein. The medical profession is unanimous in saying that Rubin’s diet is a disaster for the health of anyone. But that diet saved Rubin from death ten years ago. he had consulted seventy (70) medical experts who failed to help him in his desperate attempt to stay alive.
His book has become a rage across the country, with many food stores, including Bread and Circus in Massachusetts, now part of the nationwide whole Foods chain, selling his book and the foods that he recommends."

I have crohn's and even though medical marijuana is not legal in my state, I can assure you. It does help the pain.

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