Dog Symptom

by Symptom Advice on December 7, 2010

The symptoms of kennel cough should be considered. Tracheobronchitis canine infectious tracheo-bronchitis, Bordetella or Bordetella are some of the medical terms used to illustrate the kennel cough.

One of the most common disorders in dogs, kennel cough is an infection of the upper respiratory tract, causing sneezing and coughing.

Highly contagious infection, kennel cough is seen all over the world and said to affect nearly every dog once in a lifetime.

Kennel cough is most companies, this condition is known as viral and bacterial infections. parainfluenza virus is the most famous breeding cough, the incidence of viral infection is mild, the symptoms last longer than 6 days. In the quiet of a rare opportunity of this viral infection is also involved in other bacterial infection that causes the severity of the disease.

Bordetella bronchiseptica is another common bacteria associated with kennel cough. Dogs affected by this bacterial infection will recover in 10 days, the symptoms of this infection are 3 or 4 days after suffering.

It is also important to note here, after the healing of canine Bordetella bronchiseptica take a period of 6-14 weeks to fully implement the infectious bacteria, this is important to take precautions to other dogs in the neighborhood that are very susceptible to being caught is infected with bacteria.

The dogs that were vaccinated with the vaccine to prevent kennel cough are being Bordetella. usually, the infection of Bordetella and parainfluenza occur at the same time, causing kennel cough is highly contagious, a disease that requires a minimum of 20 days to recover.

The symptoms of kennel cough are often dry coughing.

Many dog owners know that dogs suffering from kennel cough have mentioned the frequent spells of dry cough with honking sound.Many dogs in kennel cough have symptoms of runny nose and cough cases sneezing.In dog kennel Benin are known to be active and continue with your normal appetite.

In severe cases of kennel cough, the symptoms are all the same, the only difference is the severity of the disease and long-term recovery.

Severe symptoms of kennel cough include high fever, runny nose, yellow dogs are known to be lazy and lose their appetite for breaking the kennel cough.

Kennel cough can lead to very severe pneumonia, which can sometimes lead to death of dogs. Kennel cough is dangerous to life is seen more often in dogs and cats not vaccinated immunocompromised.

The symptoms of kennel cough are very clear and familiar to the examination of inflammation of the trachea is the first sign of infection.

Hard cough, runny nose, sneezing, sniffing, nausea are the most common symptoms of kennel cough.

The presence of fever varies depending on the severity of the disease. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the above symptoms and history of exposure to infection with the canine. Antibiotics are the best way to treat kennel cough, tea of the exhibition, you can consult your vet would allow preventive antibiotics to ensure the safety of your dog from this disease is highly infectious and contagious.

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