Dog’s Symptoms For Lyme Disease

by Symptom Advice on April 25, 2011

Many dogs that are suffering or have been infected with Lyme disease can show hardly any symptoms at all especially in the early stages. most cases of Lyme disease in dogs are identified through routine yearly testing at veterinary hospitals. Lyme disease may not show up in a lyme test at first, but appear weeks or months later. If you suspect your dog has Lyme disease retest a few weeks later even months later.

Some dogs are affected with symptoms and others are not. Also, the age at which they are infectedwith Lyme has a lot to do with the development of symptoms, it seems younger animals are affected more severely with more symptoms than more mature ones. but in most cases of Lyme infected dogs do develop sore, painful joints weeks or months after infection. Some dogs run low-grade fevers.

Cronic arthritis and soreness is usually constant in the joints it affects. but the lameness due to Lyme disease often can shift from leg to leg. Swollen joints are usually hot and painful and occasionally the lymph nodes on the base of the legs may be slightly inflamed and enlarged as well. In most cases the front and back legs are the most commonly affected. usually if they are, it is the lymph node on the shoulder of that leg that may be enlarged.

Most dogs infected are showing signs of depression and sleeping more than usual.They may yelp when these joints are pressed and be quite reluctant to walk. When they do walk, they walk with a stiff shuffling gait and an arched back because of the pain, and stiffness. this symptoms is very noticalbe on stairs.

Ticks may still be present on your pet do a tick check very carefully, they hide and inbed themselves in all places especially warmer areas. In lyme cases that have been ongoing for a period of time and not detected early enough, destructive chronic inflammation can occur in your pets heart, and effect the kidneys and nervous system.

This disease is a very dibilitating and serious disease. the conditions which are very tramatic sometimes take time to appear and sometimes they also show symptoms very quicly. Lyme disease must be treated properly. If left untreated and not cured it can lead to a whole host of problems.Talk to your doctor get the facts and be sure when treating with medications youkeep your dog or pets comfortable, plenty of water and be sure you closely monitor them, try not to have them run around or be to active untill the seem to be getting better.

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