Dogs with renal failure

by Symptom Advice on January 31, 2011

When the dog is sick, all I want to do is find answers and make you feel better again. Sometimes when the dog gets sick, it may be a passing thing, but sometimes serious. if your dog suffers from kidney failure, then you need to step up and act. Renal failure in dogs is not something to play. may be full of questions about what is happening with your dog, how can you help your dog and the dog will never get better.

Here is a list of questions and answers that will help things for you:

What is kidney failure?

Renal failure is when the kidneys can not remove waste from the blood. the main function of the kidneys is to remove the body of unwanted waste and therefore a vital organ and system requirements for a healthy body. when the kidneys fail, wastes can be formed in the body, which can cause serious illness.

My dog stops urinating, if you have kidney failure?

Renal failure does not stop the production of urine. Your dog will urinate, and can actually urinate more than usual when suffering from renal failure. this is due to ineffective filtration of waste in the blood causes the body to increase blood flow to the kidneys, to increase the filtration waste. this in turn makes the kidneys work harder, causing increased urine production.

What are the symptoms of another screen to my dog?

Symptoms of kidney failure in dogs include increased urine output, as indicated. Other symptoms to look is to drink more to replace fluids lost through frequent urination, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and bad breath. Your dog can not even act like him, with a tendency to depression. Another sign to look for ulcers in the mouth.

If susect my dog suffering from renal failure, which is the recommended path of action?

You should take the dog to the vet can do tests to diagnose the condition of your dog properly.

How is the condition treated?

Treatment depends on the stage of the disease was made and if it is only in the early stages of the kidneys to wash first attempt to resume a full work and adjustment. if the kidneys are damaged and will not resume normal operation, a kidney transplant may be necessary.

Can I prevent kidney failure in my dog?

Some cases of renal failure in dogs are closely related with age and can not be avoided. However, if you feed your dog a healthy diet, avoid foods that are low and foods that contain substances linked to kidney disease in dogs may be able to reject any or genetic renal failure associated with aging and even prevent together.

We hope the answers to these questions and clarify some things for you. Renal failure in dogs is serious. like humans, if renal failure is not treated, your dog will die. this is a serious situation that requires action. with appropriate measures in the early stages of many dogs in the success of kidney failure and live happy and healthy.

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