Eagle reporter will have benefit while on the mend

by Symptom Advice on April 14, 2011

Friday April 8, 2011

The Tuesday before last Thanksgiving, Eagle news reporter Derek Gentile came down with flu-like symptoms. then, he learned, it wasn’t the flu.

“I had an infection, initially in my right foot,” said Gentile. “It spread to the rest of my body. Š I was, essentially, dying — not to sound too dramatic.”

At 1 p.m., he saw his doctor. by 9:30, he was undergoing surgery to remove part of his foot. ten days later, he underwent a second surgery because the foot was not responding well to treatment.

“I don’t recommend two surgeries in 10 days — an extremely difficult physical and psychological challenge,” he said.

“This whole thing was exacerbated by my diabetes,” Gentile explained. “I had chosen to ignore my doctor’s warnings for several years because I had no symptoms: no thirst, excessive urination, dry mouth, etc. I discovered this was not uncommon.”

Out of the hospital since Dec. 30, he’s been recuperating at his sister’s home in Adams. He’s been back to the hospital once after he fell in the bathroom, reopening the wound.

“Since then I’ve been rehabbing, with the help of the Berkshire Visiting Nurses, a group of very dedicated and patient nurses and therapists,” Gentile said. “I’d be remiss also, if I didn’t thank the staff and doctors at Berkshire Medical Center, and my family and friends for their support. I’ll be back at work, I hope, by late April or early may.”

Gentile hopes to be able to retrofit his car to be able to drive without a right foot and to pay medical bills not covered by insurance.

To that end, Friends of Derek, UNICO and The Berkshire Eagle are sponsoring a Italian pasta dinner event to benefit Gentile.

The event will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 21, at the ITAM Lodge on Waubeek Road.

Gentile will be there: “What I’m hoping is that I’ll be able to thank all the people, some of whom I don’t know, who have sent letters and emails of support.”

In addition to the dinner, the evening includes photos with the Boston Red Sox 2004 and 2007 World Series trophies, raffle prizes including Red Sox and New England Revolution tickets as well as local items, music by Mountain Breeze, and a cash bar.

The cost is $15 for adults and $8 for kids and seniors.

To RSVP, call (413) 496-6215 before April 14.


Congratulations for quitting: They’ve added their names to fame and years to their lives: Five Berkshire County residents have been inducted into the Massachusetts Ex-Smokers’ Hall of Fame, as part of a partnership with Berkshire County Head start.

The honorees are Dawn Blondin of North Adams, Gail Botto of Pittsfield, Bonnie Deraway of Clarksburg, David Deraway of Clarksburg and Edna Johnston of Pittsfield. These five are four Head start staff members and one spouse.

Celebrating the stories of local people who kick the habit, the Massachusetts Ex-Smokers’ Hall of Fame has now inducted 23 Berkshire County residents since its 2010 launch.

The Ex-Smokers’ Hall of Fame is a joint effort of the Berkshire Area Health Education Center (AHEC) and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

To bring the local Ex-Smokers’ Hall of Fame to your community or organization, contact Joan Rubel at or (413) 447-2417.

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