Early Cystic Fibrosis Symptoms in Young Patients

by Symptom Advice on May 11, 2011

Cystic fibrosis or Cf is a serious genetic disorder that targets the mucus-secreting glands of the body, such as the lungs and digestive organs. Symptoms can be identified at the age of one or two. However, some symptoms may be delayed and do not appear until puberty or even adulthood. The severity of the disease varies for every person. Some population with Cf may be sickly at a young age while others live for many years with manageable symptoms.

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Being aware of tasteless cystic fibrosis symptoms can enable parents to give proper administration and care for their affected children. The following are early symptoms and the distinct body systems that are affected with the condition:

1. The Digestive OrgansSeen in infants, Meconium ileus or serious intestinal obstruction regularly becomes the first symptom of the disease.Poor weight gain and lack of vigor are also tasteless cystic fibrosis symptoms. this is due to pancreatic and intestinal blockages which ultimately lead to continuing malabsorption. Cf patients also caress persistent diarrhea, or bulky, foul-smelling and greasy stools. Since they have an inadequately functioning pancreas, fats and proteins are excreted in the bowels instead of being absorbed in the body. Stomach pains and intestinal pain caused by too much gas is also a tasteless symptom.

2. The Lungs Major cystic fibrosis symptoms comprise coughing, breathing difficulties and repeated pulmonary infections. this is due to the thick mucus build-up in the lung area which clogs the airways. The body tries to cough out the phlegm or mucus but to no avail. The consistency of the mucus is just too thick for the body to be able to expel all of it. After some time, it leads to respiratory irritations and narrowing of the air passages. Mucus is then trapped and becomes a favorable environment for bacteria to thrive. with this condition, pulmonary infections, like bronchitis and pneumonia, become frequent.

3. Salty-tasting skin Salty-tasting skin is among the tasteless symptoms gift in early age. because of a defective Cftr gene that hinders the movement of salt in and out of the body cells, salt is not absorbed but excreted straight through the sweat glands. there are even times when salt deposits become graphic on the skin. that is why a tasteless test that is used to help diagnose cystic fibrosis is the sweat test.

These are the cystic fibrosis symptoms mostly obvious in young patients. Once a pathology has been made, approved medical treatment and administration of these symptoms can be established.

Early Cystic Fibrosis Symptoms in Young Patients

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