Ectopic Pregnancy, or Crohn's flare?

by Symptom Advice on March 25, 2011

My last period was may 17th 2008…no you didn't read that wrong, I had a baby on February 10, 2009 and am breast feeding, so I haven't gotten a period yet, but I am having symptoms of pregnancy again. (YIKES!!) Here's the kicker…I've taken more than 10 pregnancy tests in the last month, and they all come back negative. I had 4 days of very light "staining" around July 21st, and was already suspecting I could be pregnant prior to that and had tested only to get a negative result. I have 3 children already and with each of those pregnancies I had staining at implantation. I'm getting acne (which I had gotten with each of my other 3), I'm nauseated (again same as the other 3), and I'm lightheaded a lot (same…). I breast fed my first 2 kids for over a year each, but still got my period when they were 3 and 3 1/2 months, so it seems strange to me that this baby is already 6 months old and I haven't gotten one yet. I'm also starting to experience some abdominal pains now and then, and I'm feeling a little bloated. now I also have Crohn's disease, but it has been in remission since my bowel resection in Dec. of 2005. so my question is… am I pregnant or just crazy? (ha ha) I don't have any other Crohn's symptoms (diarrhea, urgency, etc..) but I'm also getting negative pregnancy tests. Could it be ectopic and not show up on a home test?? I'd appreciate any advice. thanks!!

This is really something you should be making an appointment with your physician for, if you tell them that your experiencing pain that should help you get an appointment much sooner.

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