EFN » UPDATE: New drug offers hope for early cystic fibrosis patients

by Symptom Advice on January 4, 2011

Cystic fibrosis creates a sticky mucus in the lungs of sufferers making breathing almost impossible. A new drug, Denufosol, has been shown to keep the lungs clear in children and young adults. This is a large breakthrough for this often deadly disease.

Cystic fibrosis is a disorder that is caused by the inability of ion sodium chloride molecules to pass through cells correctly. This new drug is an ion channel regulator.

Initial tests show that children with limited symptoms are benefiting the most from this new therapy. Cystic fibrosis is a progressive disease that continues to distress lung and digestive functions. while physical therapy has been successful for helping patients move the mucus through their system, the mucus often causes infections in the lungs because it is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

Denufosol is a very important step to overcoming this disease. unlike other medications for CF, this treats a cause of the disorder, not simply the symptoms.

Trials will continue to see how effect the drug will be for people with more advanced stages of the disease. to date, the results were based only on children that had very limited symptoms. the drug is taken through inhalation three times a day.

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