Entertainment Star » What are the Symptoms of Herpes and How to Avoid It Health Diseases and Conditions

by Symptom Advice on December 9, 2010

Symptoms of herpes depend on what kind of infection you have. they can affect the mouth (oral herpes) or the genitals (genital herpes). it is also known as a common sexually transmitted disease. Learning more about herpes is the first step. when you learn how to recognize the signs that you have this, you will be able to know how to prevent it from spreading.

Oral herpes symptoms include cold sores and fever blisters appearing on the lips and around the mouth. Signs may last up to a few weeks and disappear. it can appear again in a few months or so. they are annoying, but usually harmless in children and adults. but they can be very dangerous to newborns. Genital herpes symptoms include clusters of blistery sores usually around the vagina, penis, buttocks or anus; itching, burning sensation when urine flows over sores, and inability to urinate if severe swelling of sores blocks the urethra.

By performing physical exams and tests, you will know if you have herpes. usually, a blood test will tell if you are infected with oral or genital herpes. since herpes is spread by touching, kissing and sexual contact, it is important to know if you have herpes or not. make sure that the blisters you have are indeed herpes because there are other sexually transmitted diseases that require a different treatment. use condoms to reduce the risk of transmission, but since condoms will not avoid skin-to-skin contact; it is still advisable not to engage in sexual contact when you have herpes. You can also use herpes treatments.

Warm baths can ease the pain and cotton clothes will help prevent chafing. keep sores dry as moisture can slow the healing process. taking herpes medication can also help to manage the infection. they will speed up healing of sores and will keep them from frequently returning.About the Author

Sallie Pinkerton is an expert on many subjects and likes to publish articles on different topics, including bikini trimmer and what does genital herpes look like.

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