Extreme fatigue – symptoms

by Symptom Advice on April 10, 2011

Fatigue or even once in a while tired is normal, especially since we live a hectic life. this is a normal kind of tired where you feel refreshed when you take rest and relaxation. However, if you still tired after long hours of sleep and rest, then you may be suffering from extreme fatigue. It 'also known as chronic fatigue (CF). regardless of what the causes of extreme tiredness, perhaps, you can not lead a happy and productive lives.

Cases of extreme fatiguesyndrome of CF just some of the most difficult cases are treated. It 'difficult to accurately diagnose the syndrome CF most of its symptoms resemble other diseases. E 'is therefore very important to consult a doctor if you think it is CF's syndrome. In this way you can your doctor may do tests for other diseases and ensure that we provide the right treatments and medications.

some of the most common chronic fatigue syndromeSymptoms:

Fatigue-This is one of the most common symptoms that people. People with chronic fatigue syndrome feel mentally and physically exhausted all the time and for no apparent reason. this leaves them feeling completely worn out. neither sleep nor rest can heal. if this fatigue lasts for 6 months or more, then you are probably suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.

Pain-This symptom is so common as fatigue, but most people who have not undergoneChronic Fatigue Syndrome do not know. People who have chronic fatigue, joint or muscle pain or suffering from flu-like symptoms such as headache and sore throat. Abdominal pain, skin sensitivity and irritable bowel are also some of the symptoms.

Hypersensitivity-were suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome are often sensitive to light and sound, it still sounds strong and not really bright lights. some even complain of sensitiveOdors, medicines and certain foods and chemicals. In general, the chronic fatigue syndrome patients feel overwhelmed by sounds, smells and sights. their environment literally too much for them.

sleep disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome patients have sleep problems. even if you feel completely exhausted, you will not sleep or good sleep. sleep for normal people, a bit 'of physical effort to help them, but for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, only worsened exercisetheir insomnia.

extreme fatigue may also occur when the adrenal glands will be reviewed and exhausted. The adrenal glands are responsible for all of your daily life stress, physical, mental and psychological. if the adrenals are consumed, can not keep up with all your stress and, consequently, are beginning to show signs of adrenal fatigue.

here are some of the most common symptoms of adrenal fatigue:

Weight Gain-If you have adrenal fatiguemay find that the increase in weight very easily.

if you suffer from unexplained fatigue, adrenal fatigue, you will be extremely exhausted for no apparent reason. even after a night of sleep, that is, if you can go to sleep, you're always tired and exhausted.

more susceptible to colds and flu-If you suffer from adrenal fatigue, it is possible that you are more susceptible to colds and flu. you will also find that it takes more time for you to return to normalHealth.

Depression can be found, even the smallest task to be met always exceeded. this can lead to depression and social withdrawal.

Major PMS-Are you a woman suffering from adrenal fatigue, you may find that your time more and more irregular or heavy. you may also find that state of mind and extreme PMS food cravings.

other symptoms of adrenal fatigue include low libido, low resistance, low blood pressure, distraction, nervousnessand fear.

if you have any of these symptoms continuously for more than six months, you should consult a doctor. with the help of medication and treatments, these symptoms can and live your life like everyone else.

for more information about extreme fatigue Jump: extreme fatigue

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