Facial Herpes Symptoms And Treatment

by Symptom Advice on May 18, 2011

Facial herpes symptoms are not difficult to understand, but it is important to know them and to start your treatment as early as possible. Facial herpes is also known as oral herpes or cold sores. This thing is very unpleasant to have and cannot be cure completely. yet it does not mean that you can do nothing about it.

The problem with cold sores is that they are on the most visible part of our body, and this part is one of the most sensitive too. Hence the embarrassment when a cold sore outbreak comes. A usually no makeup can hide the ugly and painful blisters on our face. but don’t be disappointed – there is a way out. but let’s see how everything happens.

Facial herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1. when an outbreak comes the virus becomes highly contagious, and can be easily spread to other persons.

Facial herpes contracted through the close contact with the infected person. Herpes is the most common in kids and infants due to their weaker immune system, but since the disease stays with the infected person for the whole life, the outbreaks may occur from time to time, especially when the health is not in its optimal state.

Facial herpes outbreak is the most unpleasant part of the disease; when the virus is dormant you normally don’t experience any negative things, but as soon as the virus becomes active, the hell begins.

When you see the pictures of facial herpes in early stages, you will notice the following signs of the coming outbreak: the tingling sensation and itching takes place, some bumps and blisters start to appear; there may be skin redness, swollen red areas, etc. The first outbreak comes within a few weeks, and different people experience different symptoms – from mild to severe.

The most common one is mild facial herpes in children; it happens quite often and produce blisters of medium severity. The sores can be successfully treated (not cured though), and a child can return to their normal activity pretty soon.

The herpes virus stays in the nerves and recurs periodically; the recurrence usually decreases with the age. keep in mind that such things as fever, trauma, excessive sun light exposure, other weather conditions of an extreme nature, menstruation – these things can trigger cold sores, because the immune system gets weakened.

- Pain – sores are pretty painful;

- Aches – your muscles will feel discomfort;

- Fever – facial herpes is often accompanied by fever, which comes in the first place among other cold sore symptoms; the temperature can go up to 102 degrees F;

- Fatigue – this come naturally, since all the bodily resources are in a battle with the virus, which takes a lot of energy from your body;

- Sores – the appearance of the sores or blisters means the mature of the outbreak and must be addressed immediately. It is the most unpleasant and painful part of the whole outbreak.

Basically you have two main options: either using the over-the-counter herpes treatment or going for the natural herpes cures. Both way work fine, but since the disease will stay with you for the whole life, it is better to choose a remedy that works safely and effectively. Hence our preference for the natural cold sore remedies.

When you notice the first signs of an outbreak, act fast. you need to fight the virus in two directions: one is external and includes treating the sores, and the other is internal – it is about making your immune system stronger to fight the virus from within. Both ways are required and the first one is actually called cold sore treatment, and the second one is called herpes prevention.

What you can do to help your sores heal faster?

To ease the pain, use ice on the sores or apply a tea bag soaked in hot water. you can also use different topical creams like Acyclovir that contain natural ingredients. Applying peppermint oil or salt on the sores can also help to minimize the pain and speed up the healing.

To boost your immune system you need to make a shift towards a healthier diet that includes more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and leaves. Avoid peanuts, chocolate, coffee and other arginine rich food that can trigger an outbreak. Remember that excessive sun or strong and cold wind can cause cold sores’ appearance too. Avoid too much stress and exercise regularly, take some vitamin supplements, especially lysine amino acid – it will help to prevent the virus from multiplying. Treat your sores as soon as you see the first signs, and maintain a good health between outbreaks, so you can minimize the chance of their occurrence or even avoid them at all. good luck!

  1. Natural Herpes Treatment: do Natural Cures For Herpes Work?
  2. Preventing Cold Sores: Act as soon as you can to Prevent Cold Sores Outbreak
  3. Preventing Herpes Outbreaks: Some Tips And Precautions
  4. Natural Cold Sore Treatment: is It The Best Cold Sore Treatment Available?
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