First Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

by Symptom Advice on January 30, 2011

Jan 18, 2011 Robin Stanfill

Google Images – Google ImagesThe most common signs and symptoms you first notice during early pregnancy.

When you first realize you maybe pregnancy, it can be scary and confusing, especially for a teenager. A pregnancy test is an obvious confirmation; however, for some women, early symptoms begin within just a few weeks following conception, before a period is missed. you may experience the following symptoms during early pregnancy.

Missed Period

The most obvious sign of pregnancy is a missed period. Although, it is not common, it is possible to have a period while you are pregnant. Understanding what takes place during your monthly cycle can help you better understand the early symptoms.

Each month, following your menstruation, the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterus, begins to grow and thicken in order to prepare for pregnancy. Estrogen and progesterone continue to cause the endometrium to grow a thick blanket of blood vessels to support the egg, should it be fertilized during ovulation. this phase lasts about 10 to 14 days from the first day of menstruation. this is when you ovulate and when you are most fertile.

Next, about 14 days after the first day of your period, you ovulate. an egg is released into the fallopian tube. when pregnancy does not occur, all that growth and thick blanket of vessels begins to break down and shed during menstruation. that is your period. However, if the egg is fertilized during this time, that blanket of vessels, mentioned above, will become the placenta for the fetus.

Weight Gain and Swollen, Tender Breasts

You may notice a slight change in your weight. perhaps, your clothes fit a little more snug. you may even notice your breast are slightly swollen, as well as tender.


Because of the changes in progesterone, blood pressure and blood sugar, you may feel tired and require more sleep.

Abdominal Pain

Teenagers especially may notice some low abdominal pain. this occurs because of the change in the uterus.

Nausea or “Morning Sickness”

Not all women experience “morning sickness”, but nausea is common, early in pregnancy. you may experience nausea, with or without vomiting. “Morning sickness” does not necessarily occur in the morning.

Food Cravings

You may become much pickier about what you eat, as well as have strong cravings for particular foods. The hormone changes can cause you to have a heightened sense of smell, affecting your appetite.

Headaches and Mood Swings

Hormonal changes can also cause mild headaches and mood swings. you may find yourself more emotional than usual.

Frequent Urination

Hormone changes, as well as the actual implantation of the embryo, can cause an increase in urination.

If you think you maybe pregnancy, confirm your suspicions with a home pregnancy test. once your home pregnancy test is positive, make an appointment as soon as possible with your physician in order to begin prenatal care. If your home pregnancy test was negative, and your symptoms persist, take another test in a few days, or consult your physician.

  • Google Images – Google Images

  • Google Images – Google Images

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