Food Allergy Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on December 3, 2010

Allergy season is now in full swing, and people everywhere are looking for tips to get rid of allergies. One of the first things you should do if you suspect allergies, is to go have an allergy test done. this test is usually done at either your primary care physician’s office, or at the office of an Allergy and Immunology doctor.

Allergies come in all shapes and sizes. some are seasonal, such as hay fever. some are constant, such as food allergies. some are only on exposure to certain substances, such as chemicals or colourants.

The classic allergic reaction, which is classified as the type-1 hypersensitivity reaction, can be elicited by food, but this is fairly uncommon. When we discuss food sensitivities in ADHD we are discussing a different, not well-defined, mechanism.

Allergy means the reaction of the body due to an immune response and reaction. Allergens will cause allergic reactions. Sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes and ears, severe wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, sinus problems and a nettle-like rash are the common symptoms of an allergy.

There are certain common factors causing an allergy. Touching grass, smelling dust, chemicals, and medicines, insect bites and eating certain types of food may cause an allergic reaction. Asthma, Bronchitis, Eczema, Dermatitis, and Urticaria are also some forms of allergy.

Allergy prevention has to begin with allergy recognition. once you have determined exactly what you are allergic to, you can practice prevention based on the problem. For environmental allergies such as pollen, simply avoiding exposure is one of the best preventative methods. this will require tracking of the pollen counts, and staying inside if they are unusually high. Keeping all windows closed and running the air conditioner is also a helpful pollen allergy prevention.

And they are expressed by your body in different ways. some people get skin complaints such as hives or skin eruptions. some get it in their upper respiratory tract with typical hay fever symptoms. some get it in their digestive tract with diarrhoea a common symptom.

There are several vitamins, minerals, and herbal remedies that are good at relieving allergy symptoms and strengthening the immune system. Vitamin B5, vitamin a, and Omega-3 Fatty Acids can help to relieve allergy symptoms, such as congestion, coughs, and runny nose. Quercetin is a plant compound that can be found in foods, such as onions, apples, and citrus fruits, that can prevent the secretion of histamine. Histamine is a chemical that the body produces during an allergic reaction that causes sneezing and other symptoms. Butterbur is a herb that is good at relieving hay fever symptoms. Licorice root, astragalus, and capsicum are also good at curing allergy symptoms.

Symptoms of Food Allergy

Food allergy is an allergic reaction to certain types of food. Aside for the similarities in symptoms, a food allergy is more severe than food intolerance.someone with food intolerance can eat small portions of the food he is allergic to.

There are many different things that people are allergic to. something that commonly causes food allergies is wheat. People who are allergic to wheat often experience weight gain as a result of their reaction. It is probably difficult to imagine something common as wheat to cause problems. Most of the products that you eat contain some traces of wheat in them.

Two common types of eye allergies:

* Seasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis (SAC) * Perennial Allergic Conjunctivitis (PAC)

When it comes to treating allergies, the homeopathic medicines can also prove to be very effective. The homeopathic treatments have been used for centuries in India and it also became very popular in Europe later. more recently, homeopathy has started gaining popularity in the United States of America also. this field of medicine takes a different approach to health and wellness, as it uses minerals and herbs and other practical applications to ease the symptoms of allergies. It basically works by stimulating the natural defensive power of the body.

An allergenic or reactive food is one that causes an allergic reaction, such as hives, wheezing, stomach cramps or stuffy nose. The foods that tend to be most highly allergenic (especially to children) are: milk wheat corn sugar soy nuts eggs.

Putting a stop to your allergies can sometimes seem like a daunting task, because of how severe and frequent that can be. While the condition known as allergies can vary from person to person in terms of what they are allergic to and how bad their allergies are, there are a lot of different ways that you can reduce the intensity and and occurrence of your symptoms on a day to day basis, so you can feel better and be more productive.

Prevention works better than cure in respect of allergy. But when allergy becomes very acute, proper treatment should be meted out to overcome it. Allergy needs proper treatment and medical diagnosis. But most importantly, allergy which is caused due to dust and pollution can be treated by way of avoiding them. It is basically recommended to stay far away from those things which produce allergies

One of the most common ways to combat allergies is to take an anti-histamine medication which will help with all of the common allergy symptoms, like water eyes, sneezing, and congestion. These can be found in most drugstores and they come in a variety of brand names. usually the more expensive allergy medications are most effective, so you will want to pay attention to price. many of these can make you drowsy, so pay attention to the label as well for possible side-effects.

What are some of the most common allergies? They include substances such as:

1 Pollen2 Mold3 Pets/animal hair4 Latex5 Food

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