Gallstone Home Remedy

by Symptom Advice on March 19, 2011

Treatment of Gallstones in Women

Women are more prone to gallstones formation because pregnancy, obesity and excess of estrogens are the major contributing factors for formation of gallstones. the sufferers of gallstones will have severe pain over upper part of abdomen and also between the shoulder blades. they will have sustained nausea also.

Surgical treatment to remove gallstones is not advisable. a permanent removal of gallbladder through surgery is very much risky. Later, it will lead to very severe complications which may even be fatal also.

Don’t worry ,you can Remove Gallstones in women without surgery

GallStones Natural remedies are the safest and best for treatment of gallstones in women. Natural remedies can dissolve the gallstones completely and give complete and permanent relief from the pain.

Before choosing the method of treatment, one should have a clear knowledge about the ailment. Gallstones are formed due to solidification of bile stored in gallbladder. Bile is an enzyme secreted by liver for digestion of fats. Bile flows through bile duct. Bile contains fats, salts, cholesterol, bilirubin, water etc. When the cholesterol content or the bilirubin content in bile is in excess, bile will solidify forming gallstones. the gallstones will remain in gallbladder as well as in bile duct. When they block the bile duct, bile cannot flow freely and as a result inflammation and severe pain will occur.

Excess of bilirubin in bile causes formation of pigment gallstones and excess of cholesterol causes formation of cholesterol gallstones. Treatment of any type of gallstones in women is possible by natural remedies.

In addition to above mentioned reasons, old age, fasting, excess cholesterol, low-fiber high-fat diet, frequent constipation and diabetes also can cause formation of gallstones.

The common symptoms of gallstones are indigestion, nausea, skin as well as eyes getting yellow tinge, dark colored urine, clay colored stools, severe pain over upper abdomen and crippling pain between shoulder blades.

It is possible to prevent gallstone formation by adopting a few precautionary measures. Have a healthy diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, nuts, less carbohydrate and no junk foods. Keep your body physically fit by doing regular exercises, drink plenty of water everyday and take coffee and calcium phosphate at times.

There are various methods of natural remedies for treatment of gallstones in women. These methods are 100% safe and ensure complete removal of the gallstones without any side effects or other complications.

Here are a few examples of natural remedies: -

Drink apple juice for two days before going to bed. on the second day night, drink a mixture of 3 ounces of fresh lemon juice and 3 ounces of dark olive oil. Small sized gallstones will be passed on the next day.Drink two teaspoons Quebra Pedra herb in 500 ml water daily for two months.Drink a mixture of 125 ml each of watercress juice and dandelion juice twice daily.

Allow Nature to dissolve your gallstones at home

These natural remedies for treatment of gallstones in women are quick remedies. they remove the gallstones completely within a short period of time and give permanent relief from the crippling pain.

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