Genital Herpes, Herpes Symptoms, stds symptoms, std and symptoms, genital herpes causes, genital herpes diagnosis

by Symptom Advice on February 19, 2011

Through Virus we are affected genital herpes. Genital herpes are easily passes through one body to another during sexual intercourse and treating genital herpes is very essential if you have diagnosed the herpes symptoms. till no medicine or technique available to cure but prevention is the only one process to relief. but the question raise how can your doctor tell if you have genital herpes

Break out Time

genital herpes can be easily identified throughout break out. Doctors advice you to watch the sore, in few cases doctor test your sore in lab. Microscope technique applied inn some case if swab sore and spread cells on slide, in order to know whether or not Herpes Simplex Virus I and II present.

Culture test is another methods and it apply during break out. throughout culture test doctor take cell through cotton swab and test in culture cup and doctor wait until culture grow  before diagnose if any herpes virus present. Culture test is the perfect method to identify the genital herpes also it can give accurate information if herpes found in patient.

Once doctor indicate herpes present in your cells, carefully seek doctor treatment process, antiviral medication in oral form and use cream in the sore area.

Between Outbreaks.

Blood test is another method to diagnose the genital herpes and it test between outbreaks. the blood test is very easy process and gives effective result. Doctors test your blood in their lab to identify the herpes in blood, antibodies. Antibodies help the growth of herpes virus. Antibodies present with or without having herpes, especial antibodies found in oral herpes, fiver blister or in cold sore.

Sometime very hard to identify the herpes by blood test, herpes diagnosed is very essential and knowing is important in order to protect other people and babies if you are a women. if you unable to diagnose the early symptom of genital herpes, herpes can be unsafe both you and your newborn baby.

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