Get More from Life Administering your Diabetes

by Symptom Advice on December 13, 2010

The following information is for educational purposes only and is intended to complement any medical treatment, not to appoint or not to identify any condition. please consult with your doctor before starting any medical or nutritional program.there are two types of diabetes: first, insipid us diabetes is rarer and has to do with a deficiency in pituitary hormone call vasopressin. The other possibility is that the kidneys have an inability to respond properly to that hormone. People with this form diabetes have different symptoms that make it stand out: they have a tremendous thirst and urinate large amounts no matter how much they drink, and we show weakness in the kidneys.Some of the most common symptoms are abnormal thirst, irritability, weakness again excessive urination extreme fatigue loss of appetite or excessive hunger, and in worst cases, vomiting and nausea.Some of these diabetics can have hyperglycemia type symptoms, which is too much glucose in their blood or other time when hypoglycemia is too low blood sugar. both conditions can be serious. The worst of all of these conditions is hypoglycemia, which can come from just losing a meal, or too much exercise or too much insulin. The symptoms could be dizziness, confusion, excessive sweating, and if not treated can lead to a coma. with hyperglycemia it could look the same as the symptoms, not to be kept low as a liquid from the danger sign. This means there is too much sugar in the blood system. It is most common during an illness and could also lead to a coma. these two can be serious medical emergencies with life and death consequences.a poor diet may be one of the biggest factors leading to diabetes. often occurs with people who are overweight or who eat a diet rich in refined sugar, highly processed foods, low in fiber, with too many complex carbohydrates and with too much meat and not exercising.The second category is Type II or non-dependent diabetes, insulin, and occurs more frequently when the elderly are usually the people whose family may have a history of diabetes. This disorder is slightly different because the pancreas produces insulin, but for some reason the insulin is not effective. Some common symptoms are poor vision frequent urination fatigue skin infections and slow healing of wounds as well as unusual thirst, sleepiness, and tsouximatos or numbness in the legs. This disease is also associated with a poor diet. The National Institute of Health says there are twenty to twenty five million people with diabetes types of problems, many have undetected Type II (about five million). Diabetes is the third leading cause of death in America. It can be detected with a simple urine test.DietThere’s lots of controversy about nutrition but most experts agree that if overweight, a weight loss program is essential. Consult with a doctor who specializes in nutrition. as with other health challenges, each person is different and I think we should treat the whole person. Many will recommend a high complex carbohydrate, a low-fat and high-fiber diet with lots of fresh vegetables, moderate fruit and green vegetable juices.Excess fat cells create chemical messengers that inhibit the body’s ability to respond effectively to insulin. as the fat comes from the work of the diabetic insulin better and the blood sugar level can be improved. Garlic and onion are always great for healing the body. Add some capsaicin, a natural derivative of hot peppers to spice it up and is very healthy.Eat steamed and raw vegetables, complex carbohydrates moderately, low fat foods (which cut down on animal fats), and increase grains and whole foods. Eat more legumes, root vegetables, brown rice, and nut butters. The plant sources of protein are much better because high fiber helps reduce blood sugar triggers. Eat proteins like beans and tofu, salmon and tuna two or three times a week. these fish have the Omega 3, great for the immune system. Eat lots of raw olive oil in your sauce or spread on bread instead of butter never use margarine.

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