Has anyone had any allergy symptoms that affect their throat and chest?

by Symptom Advice on January 5, 2011

I feel tight in my chest and throat but the doctor swears that its allergies, anyone else have these symptoms?

OH my yes honey.
I have a cat I love and am very allergic to cats.
I can't breath and have bad asthma from it.
I did not know for most of my life that my trouble breathing is from allergies but I know it now after getting tested by an allergist.
I remember the four years of my life tht I did not have a pet I never had any bronchitis or asthma at all. Those were the only times I never had breathing problems.
I take a claritin every day and it helps just a little.
I cough a lot. I am told it is asthma. It is miserable. It gets a lot worse in the winter.
Yes, it is allergies.
Take a daily allergy pill such as claritin and see if it helps.

Me. 4 months out of the year, every year, plus runny nose and sneezing. It sucks. However, I've been taking an allergy shot for it yearly too. I think it's helping as my symptoms are getting better. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Yup; post nasal drip. Causes the throat to be scratchy…coughing.

Sure. Dust effects me this way and probably other allergens, too.

you need to balance the endocrine system.
get a hair analysis done

If I eat certain foods, my throat will swell up, sometimes to the point where I cannot swallow. when I was younger my mother took me to an allergist who helped discover which foods to avoid. It turned out that I can not eat rice. Since we were looking for obvious things like peanuts, we would never have figured out the rice allergy without the help of a food allergist.

If you consider a trip to an allergist, it is helpful to first keep a diary of your diet and environmental conditions such as trees and pets.

YES! these are allergic reaction symptoms…and they could be the first signs of anaphylaxis, the potentially life-threatening extreme kind of allergy. you HAVE to see an allergy specialist immediately to make sure that you can pinpoint what you're allergic to and become informed about what you must avoid and how you must treat the symptoms should they recur. Feeling tight in your chest AND throat are not things to ignore..they could signal larynx aodema, a part of anaphylaxis-and really, you don't want to see where that goes. Simple cortisone inhalers might be all you need, or anti-histamine pills, or something more serious, like an epipen in the future. please, please..see a doctor.

OMG ME TOO !!! I cant even tell you how bad of allergies i have its AWFUL, if you get the SudaCare shower soothers and you put in the bottom of the shower and let it dissolve slowly and just take in the vapors its GREAT it really helps me when I feel the tight feeling it breaks it up. and it is a form of allergy's I went to a specialist

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