Has anyone had these chest pain symptoms before?

by Symptom Advice on May 21, 2011

For the last two weeks I feel like I have had pressure on my heart. sometimes the pain goes to my left shoulder, then down to the hand. my arm aches a lot of the time. the doctor has checked my heart with a stethescope and said it's not beating irregularly. has anyone else experienced this, if so, what was it? Thank you

Please go and see a different doctor. If you are having pain around or near your heart there could be many issues at hand. Listening to a heart with a stethoscope is senseless. you can have a regular heart beat but have some serious heart problems developing or some other conditions such as edema (fluid) around the heart, in the lungs pressing on the ribs near the heart, or an infection in the lining of the lungs, an infection on the lining of the heart and so on.

You need an EKG, blood work, possibly a 2D or 3D echo done, and even possibly a stress test.

Go to a different doctor.



if all your doc did was listen to your heart then you need a new doc. he's an idiot. you need to have blood tests done and an EKG. listening to your heart will only tell you it's beating, not whether you've had an attack of some kind. it's nearly impossible to have a heart attack in your teens to early twenties but it can happen on an outside chance. but do you really wanna bet your health on the fact that the doc knows that your heart is definitely still beating and that's it? that is unless he has some kind of magical ears that tell him the conductivity of your heart is ok based on the fact that you actually do have a heartbeat.

At the age of 35, I started having 'what I thought' were gastrointestinal issues. Then the pain progressed to my chest, jaw and arm. my fiance rushed me to the ER and I was having a FULL BLOWN heart attack!!!!!!! 100% blockage! I received an angioplasty and a stent! everyone in the ER was in shock to see a 35/F, not over weight having an MI! GET A SECOND, THIRD OR FORTH OPINION!!!!!!!!!!

find another doctor!! get an EKG done.

I had a day a few weeks ago when I felt like pure he**! really didn't want to move. tightness in back muscles, weakness in arms and hands, a bad headache and dizziness (but dizz is usual for me).

Dr did EKG 2 days ago and informed me that I had had a heart attack, when was it? I am guessing it was the day I felt so bad.

So now he is sending me to cardiologist shop for stress testing and another EKG and I don't know what all.

go find another doctor who will listen to you!!

Symptons of heart disease! few minutes to see the heart arterries' image with GE ultrasound device like Voluson, Logiq.. at a cardiology office, blood test, optional EKG. Good luck.

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