Healthy Pets Way » How To Master Hypersensitivity

by Symptom Advice on April 10, 2011

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Allergies can be horrible. If you suffer from hay fever, then every spring time when the pollen count is high, you suddenly find yourself a mess. Your eyes are red and scratchy, your nose is always runny, and you feel like somebody has poured sandpaper down your throat. it can be unbearable at times. however, there are some basic things you can do to relieve your symptoms, things you’ll learn in this very article.

First of all, there are many sources of allergies. Pollen is the most common type, with many people responding to high levels of pollen in the air during spring time. another big source of allergies is from pets, such as dogs and cats.

Histamine is actually the main culprit in allergy symptoms. Your runny nose, dry cough, and itchy eyes are all because your body is producing histamine. This is one of the many chemicals that your body uses to fight off invaders. the stronger the invading for, or the more the amount of pollen or dry animal skin, the more histamine is produced.

When you buy a popular over the counter medication for allergy relief, you are likely buying an anti-histamine. This is a drug that inhibits your body’s natural production of histamine. This works great in reducing your allergy symptoms, but does come with some potential side effects, such as increased blood pressure, nervousness, and perhaps sleeplessness.

Making sure you stay healthy can do a good job of increasing your body’s natural resistance to those particles floating around, so you don’t have such a strong histamine reaction. This means you’ll feel less allergy symptoms. in order to stay healthy, make sure to eat a balanced diet filled with vitamins and minerals.

Many suspect that certain foods can greatly influence how you are affected by these allergy causing particles. these are foods that contain gluten, most dairy products, and many processed carbohydrates. If you avoid these foods, you may very well see a decrease in your allergic symptoms over time.

Of course, the best way to cure your allergies for good is to try a combination of over the counter medication, some healthy living, and healthy eating. That way you can enjoy life as much as possible.

To understand the most surprisingly reliable cat allergy treatment to swiftly and conveniently get rid of your allergic reactions, head on over to the world famous cat allergy treatment page instantly.

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