Heart Disease and Natural Herbal Treatment for Heart Attack

by Symptom Advice on January 13, 2011

Heart disease is a universal term that refers to any disease or condition of the heart, including heart disease, hypertension, heart failure, and present at the birth of heart disease, diseases of the heart valves, heart infections , cardiomyopathy, conduction disorders and heart arrythmias.http: / / ayurvedicherbalcure.com / health products and disease / abana.htmlHeart is a universal term that refers to a series of acute and chronic diseases that affect one or the greater part of the mechanism of the heart. The heart is a muscle, organ handful of companies located in the left side of the chest cavity. constant E 'pumps blood, beating 100,000 times a day. The blood that moves the heart delivers oxygen and nutrients throughout the body and transports carbon dioxide and other wastes to the lungs, kidneys and liver for subtraction.Vitamin C is also essential as it protects against spontaneous breaches in walls adjacent to the vessels that can lead to heart attacks. it also protects against high blood cholesterol. The stress of anger, fear, disappointment, emotion, and like that can raise levels of blood fat and cholesterol levels immediately but this reaction to stress can do much harm if the diet is enough vitamin C and pantothenic acid. One of the richest source of vitamin C is citrus fruits.causes Heart DiseaseOver time, the accumulation of cholesterol in these blood vessels may occur in the form of plaque. this reduces the vein and can limit the amount of blood that can flow through the artery it.if gets too close, can not supply enough blood to the heart muscle when it became symptom of heart stressed.Symptoms DiseaseNo clearly indicate a single heart, but some signs suggest the probability, and several symptoms together may make the diagnosis almost certain1. problems2 breath. fast or irregular heartbeat3. coughing4. swelling of the feet and lower legs5. feeling of weakness or dizzy6. Heart diseaseSymptoms fatigueTreatment of heart disease varies with the type of heart disease. unfortunately, certain heart conditions do not cause symptoms early in its course. When symptoms do occur, they reveal a difference from person to person. Symptoms may include chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness and fatigue, palpitations (feeling your heart beat in the chest), dizziness, and fainting, or feeling about the remedies for Heart diseaseTake faint.Home a 10 ml Add pomegranate juice and sugar in 10 grams of finely ground. Drink this whenever you feel chest pain and congestion of the heart. You will find the complaints resolved quickly. One of the useful home remedies.for heart disease in the prevention of heart disease, is recommended to take 2-3 cloves of garlic boiled in milk. we find that parsley is helpful in treating this, as it keeps the heart in health. Parsley tea 3-4 times daily is helpful. Alcohol is the leading cause of heart ailments. Alcohol should be completely stopped. Salt intake should be controlled. salt in the diet is correct or appropriate, however care should be used to excess salts regular exercise, you should take to prevent the accumulation of excess fat. well-balanced diet that includes nutrient-rich fruits, vegetables and fiber, should be taken.

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