Help me diagnose these hormone-related symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on February 1, 2011

Hi, a loved one is suffering from these symptoms and I was hoping someone would be able to put them together to be able to tell us what's wrong with her:

– Apparent hyper-adrenalization: feelings of being anxious without a stimulus, rapid pulse (about 90-100 bpm), trembling

– History of thyroid problems although doctors were unable to determine if it was hyper or hypo-active thyroid since her symptoms overlap with both classifications but blood tests seem to suggest hypoactive thyroid.

– History: had something that had "flu-like" symptoms a couple weeks ago and still hasn't fully recovered. Blood tests showed elevated ALT and AST levels which made doctors suspect hepatitis.

– History: Recently has had some abdominal pain and a slightly upset stomach.

If anyone has any clue to how these symptoms fit together, I would be eternally grateful for your input, and for any suggestions towards treatment. thank you!

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