Hepatitis C- Symptoms, Complications & Cure!

by Symptom Advice on December 29, 2010

What is Hepatitis C? Hepatitis C is a contagious d&#105&#115&#101ase that attacks the liver, and is the result of i&#110&#102&#101ction with the Hepatitis C virus (HCV). the severi&#116&#121&#32of symptoms for Hepatitis C ranges from a mild ill&#110&#101&#115s that may only last several weeks (referred to as&#32“Acute” Hepatitis C infecti&#111&#110&#41, to a permanent condition (referred to as a “Chronic” Hepatitis C infection. &#87&#104&#97t are the statistics? Based on data released by th&#101&#32&#67DC (US Center for Disease Control), there were an &#101&#115&#116imated 19,000 new Hepatitis C virus infections rep&#111&#114&#116ed in 2006. however, it is important to note that &#116&#104&#101 reported number of Hepatitis C cases is estimated&#32&#116&#111 be much lower than the actual number of infection&#115&#46&#32This is because many people who are infected with &#72&#101&#112atitis C never display physical symptoms of the in&#102&#101&#99tion and; therefore, their infection never comes to the atte&#110&#116&#105on of the CDC. Statistics for both “Chronic” and “Acute” Hepatitis C infection are as follows: what are th&#101&#32&#115ymptoms of Hepatitis C? Symptoms of acute hepatiti&#115&#32&#67, if they appear, can include: how soon do Hepatit&#105&#115&#32C symptoms appear after infection? If symptoms do &#111&#99&#99ur, they will normally manifest about 6-7 weeks af&#116&#101&#114 infection. however, it is important to note that &#105&#116&#32is possible for symptoms to appear anywhere from 2&#32&#119&#101eks to 6 months after exposure to Hepatitis C. How&#32&#105&#115 Hepatitis C transmitted? Hepatitis C is transmitt&#101&#100&#32when the blood of an infected person enters the bo&#100&#121&#32of someone who is not infected with Hepatitis C. A&#108&#116&#104ough it is possible to contract and transmit Hepat&#105&#116&#105s C through sexual activity, most infections are a&#32&#114&#101sult of sharing needles or other paraphernalia use&#100&#32&#102or the injection of drugs. the most common methods&#32&#111&#102 Hepatitis C transmission are: there are also seve&#114&#97&#108 less common methods of Hepatitis C transmission: &#87&#104&#97t are ways Hepatitis C is not spread? Hepatitis C &#105&#115&#32not spread through normal, daily interaction. for &#105&#110&#115tance, Hepatitis C cannot be transmitted from pers&#111&#110&#32to person through: the sharing of eating utensils,&#32&#98&#114eastfeeding, hugging, kissing, holding hands, coug&#104&#105&#110g, or sneezing. Can you get Hepatitis C from sexua&#108&#32&#99ontact? Yes, it is possible to transmit Hepatitis &#67&#32&#100uring sex. however, the perceived risk of transmis&#115&#105&#111n during sexual activities is believed to be quite&#32&#108&#111w. It is important to note that those at higher ri&#115&#107&#32of contracting Hepatitis C through sexual activity&#32&#97&#114e those individuals who engage in sexual activity &#119&#105&#116h multiple partners, have another STD or STI (incl&#117&#100&#105ng HIV), and/or engage in very rough sex. Can you &#103&#101&#116 Hepatitis C from a tattoo or a piercing? If an un&#114&#101&#103ulated tattoo parlor employs poor infection contro&#108&#32&#112rocedures during tattooing or body piercing, it ma&#121&#32&#98e possible to contract Hepatitis C. however, resea&#114&#99&#104 has not shown that tattoo parlors which are regul&#97&#116&#101d and follow correct procedures, to aid in transmi&#115&#115&#105on of Hepatitis C. who is at increased risk for He&#112&#97&#116itis C? the high risk category of people for Hepat&#105&#116&#105s C infection includes: the following are situatio&#110&#115&#32that can put you at risk for Hepatitis C, although&#32&#116&#104ey are low-risk scenarios: Can Hepatitis C be pass&#101&#100&#32through pregnancy? Yes, although this type of tran&#115&#109&#105ssion is believed to be quite rare. Statistically,&#32&#97&#98out 4 of every 100 babies that are born from an in&#102&#101&#99ted mother will be given Hepatitis C at birth. The&#32&#114&#105sk of infection during child birth increases drast&#105&#99&#97lly. Can you spread Hepatitis C without having sym&#112&#116&#111ms? Yes. Many people that have Hepatitis C infecti&#111&#110&#32do not experience symptoms, and are still able to &#105&#110&#102ect another individual. are there long term affect&#115&#32&#111f Hepatitis C? Yes. Hepatitis C can result in vari&#111&#117&#115 long-term effects on an infected person’s body. Out of every 10&#48&#32&#112eople infected with the virus, the following estim&#97&#116&#101d amount will have the virus progress to more seri&#111&#117&#115 complications: 75-85 people will have Acute Hepat&#105&#116&#105s C progress to Chronic Hepatitis C. of those 75-8&#48&#44&#3260-70 will go on to develop chronic liver disease.&#32&#79&#102 those, 5-20 people will contract cirrhosis (norma&#108&#108&#121 happening over a span of 20-30 years). of those, &#49&#45&#53 people will die from either liver cancer or cirrh&#111&#115&#105s Can Hepatitis C go away on its own? Yes, approxi&#109&#97&#116ely 15%-25% of those infected with Hepatitis C wil&#108&#32&#99lear the virus without any medical treatment. the &#114&#101&#97son as to why certain individuals are able to clea&#114&#32&#116he virus without medical attention is currently no&#116&#32&#102ully understood. who should be tested for Hepatiti&#115&#32&#67? According to CDC guidelines, the following types&#32&#111&#102 individuals are considered high-risk and should b&#101&#32&#115creened for Hepatitis C infection: should you be t&#101&#115&#116ed for Hepatitis C when pregnant? Hepatitis C is n&#111&#116&#32a routine part of prenatal care. however, anyone t&#104&#97&#116 is at risk for Hepatitis C (especially pregnant w&#111&#109&#101n that fall within the high-risk category) should &#98&#101&#32screened for infection. how do you test for Hepati&#116&#105&#115 C? the Hepatitis C test normally consists of a bl&#111&#111&#100 test that looks for antibodies that have been dev&#101&#108&#111ped by the body to stave off Hepatitis C infection&#46&#32&#65t getSTDtested.com, we use a Hepatitis C Antibody &#84&#101&#115t Reflex to HCV RIBA test, which is the earliest i&#110&#100&#105cator of infection.  This test conducts a screeni&#110&#103&#32test first to determine if you may have Hepatitis &#67&#32&#97nd when indicated it automatically switches to the&#32&#114&#101lfex test to confirm whether or not you are infect&#101&#100&#46 is there a vaccine for Hepatitis C? not yet. Ther&#101&#32&#97re currently vaccines are available only for Hepat&#105&#116&#105s a and Hepatitis B.

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