Hepatitis C Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on April 7, 2011

What are the Hepatitis C Symptoms?

The symptoms of Hepatitis C nearly appears 1 in every 5 persons infected by the virus of Hepatitis C. it means about 80% of population that are infected or that carry hepatitis C are most likely unaware of that. when the Hepatitis C symptoms come out, they will show various severity levels from mild or barely noticeable to severe and debilitating. Usually the most frequent of the hepatitis C’s cited symptom is fatigue. however, there are other signs that may come out in several combinations such as abdomen pain, lighter or clay colored bowel movement, darker or coffee like urine, generalized itching, unusually frequent headaches, jaundice or yellowish skin and eyes, loss of appetite, aching muscles, nausea and vomiting.

Hepatitis C symptoms are caused by the infection from Hepatitis C virus. the viruses are also known as HCV. to transmit or impart HCV from one individual to another needs blood exchange most of the time. the virus is unusually transferred by sexual contact. in the United States, the commonest way of transmitting the hepatitis C virus is by unclean hypodermic needles exchange done by the users of intravenous drug. one of serious liver diseases, chronic hepatitis C, usually grows in 2 of every 3 individuals having an acute infection of hepatitis C. today approximately 170 million of world population that are infected with hepatitis C virus, which means as many as one per 30 individual worldwide. the highest infection rate of hepatitis C is in Egypt while 15% of infected population of the world is located in some parts of Africa and Asia.

Even though you are not experiencing Hepatitis C symptoms but if you think you are ever predisposed by the HC virus such as you think you are in blood contact with a person infected with hepatitis C through unsterilized needles, sharing toothbrushes or razors with them or creating tattoos or piercing with unsterilized instruments you may come to hospital and do some hepatitis C testing to make sure you are free from the disease. to prevent yourself from hepatitis C virus you need to follow some common sense guidelines including avoiding contact with human blood because the transmission of hepatitis C virus is through human blood. You should never share needle, razors or worse, toothbrush with anyone because you never know if the person you share those things with are having hepatitis C or not. You also need to make sure to use only sterilized equipment when undergoing body piercing or tattooing.

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