Hepatitis symptoms – Alivest.net

by Symptom Advice on February 1, 2011

How soon after infection the first signs of hepatitis C?

Latent (incubation) period for hepatitis C is about 50 days (from 20 to 140). Symptoms may not occur ever. any manifestations of infection can generally be detected only when the hepatitis B will go to cirrhosis.

Common symptoms of hepatitis C

In general, hepatitis C – is a silent disease, often diagnosed by accident when people are tested for other diseases. therefore, timely diagnosis important analysis.

Other frequently observed symptoms of fatigue, weakness, fatigue. But these symptoms are nonspecific (one of their presences can not talk about hepatitis C). Cirrhosis of the liver may appear jaundiced, increases in volume abdomen (ascites), spider veins appear, growing weakness.

What diseases can have similar symptoms?

Any chronic infection and intoxication can be accompanied by asthenic syndrome, weakness, fatigue.

What are the signs suspected of hepatitis C?

Acute hepatitis C is rarely diagnosed and usually by accident. Characterized by a rather high activity of liver transaminases (ALT is often increased by 10 times or more) in the absence of clinical symptoms (patient complaints, no external signs of illness).

The symptoms of acute hepatitis C include intoxication, lack of appetite, weakness, nausea, and sometimes – pain in the joints. then may develop jaundice, with the advent of a transaminase activity decreased. Possible enlargement of the liver and spleen (hepatosplenomegaly). in general, intoxication and increased transaminases are less pronounced than in hepatitis a and B.

How soon after infection the results are positive for hepatitis C?

Antibody (anti-HCV) is at 70% of the patients at the first symptoms of the disease, and 90% of cases – in three months. But the fact is that the symptoms often can not be.

RNA virus in the blood (a more precise analysis of PCR) is detected within 1-2 weeks after infection.

What are the options for signs and symptoms of hepatitis C?

Very rarely seen lightning development of hepatitis C. this can occur when co-infection with hepatitis B or in patients who already have liver disease (cirrhosis), or after the liver transplant patients receiving immunosuppressive.

Different variants of extra hepatic manifestations of hepatitis C (e.g., changes in the skin, joints, kidneys).

Can indicators of liver function remain normal?

Indicators of liver function can remain normal. For chronic hepatitis C is characterized by periodic oscillations in liver function tests. Transaminase activity can grow and decline, returning to normal and long they linger.

However, the disease in this case continues. should regularly assess the status of liver function (not less than 1 per year in long-term reduction of transaminases).

How to avoid spurious results when tested for hepatitis C?

The standard test for anti-HCV (ELISA, ELISA) confirmed by recombinant immunoblot test support (RIBA) or the detection of viral RNA (gene diagnostics by polymerase chain reaction, PCR). Analysis of RNA can also give false-negative results, so it is repeated.

What tests clearly confirm the diagnosis of hepatitis C?

The presence of antibodies to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV) and HCV-RNA. the positive results of both tests confirm the presence of infection. the presence of antibodies of class IgM (anti-HCV IgM) to distinguish active hepatitis from a carrier (when no IgM antibodies and ALT are normal).

Why do PCR diagnosis for hepatitis C? what it shows?

PCR diagnostics to determine HCV RNA in the blood. Thus, it confirms both the presence of infection, and the fact that the replication (reproduction) virus in the body.

Is it possible to determine the amount of virus in the body? what does the viral load give?

It is possible to determine the amount of virus in the body. Through one of the techniques of PCR (quantitative polymerase chain reaction). the amount of virus in the blood (viral load) gives an indication of the activity or the rate of virus multiplication.

The higher the viral load, the active viral replication. High viral load – a factor that adversely affects the efficacy of antiviral therapy. the lower the viral load, the higher the chances of successful treatment.

In addition, if the virus content is high, then the patient is more likely to infect others (partners, family members).

How does the doctor make a diagnosis of hepatitis C?

For a complete diagnosis of hepatitis C must perform a series of blood tests, especially blood biochemical analysis, PCR for HCV-RNA (qualitative, quantitative, genotyping), complete blood count, coagulation (blood clotting).

Need to perform well as ultrasound of the abdomen, can be shown to hepatic biopsy. With all the results, the doctor will put a full diagnosis, to determine the level of viral process in the body, to assess the condition of the liver and the degree of damage, pick up an effective and safe treatment.

Why and when to determine the genotype of hepatitis C?

In cases of people infected with certain genotypes of HCV, the effectiveness of standard treatment regimens may be lower. in this case they picked up a longer treatment regimen that can improve the result. Genotype is determined only 1 time.

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