Herbal Health Wellness: Chronic Kidney Disease and Kidney Health Care

by Symptom Advice on January 10, 2011

One of the most common is chronic kidney inflammation, which can be “in silence” for many years and where the victim may be completely asymptomatic in the early stages of the disease.

Kidney disease is often discovered by chance, as for example when testing for protein (egg white) and blood in urine or blood pressure checks. it is important to early detection of treatment, and prevention of further deterioration of kidney disease is of great certainty.

What are the symptoms?

As mentioned, one can live for many years but the disease is found. but later in the disease process can be high blood pressure and fluid retention (edema) in the body to cause symptoms. other characteristic symptoms are:

• Fatigue
• Nausea
• Headache
• Eye Symptoms

What can be the cause of the chronic kidney disease be?
Kidney damage can have many different causes. it can be a part of and expression of an immune reaction or due to other diseases, such as:

• Acute and chronic infection
• Connective Tissue Disease
• Cardiovascular disease
• Diabetes
• Pharmaceuticals
• Poisoning.

What happens when the kidneys are bad?

Typically, the kidneys can no longer clean blood of waste products and thereby creating what is called urine poisoning (uremia). Is also typical that the kidneys can not retain the proteins remain in the body. Loss of the protein albumin can lead to fluid retention, but also affects the burning of fat. This increases the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.

How you treat the disease?

Treatment is primarily directed at the basic disease, but unfortunately it can not always be treated.

Can not treated attempts to alleviate the symptoms through medication and dietary requirements, such as reduced salt intake. the symptoms can be substantially mitigated by different actions and they can gradually be eliminated entirely if you fail to process.


Prevention is obviously the best treatment option. Healthy diet, conservative sexual acts, and knowledge of safe genital hygiene are among the tools that keep kidney problems at bay. but unfortunately – has already received a kidney disease, you are beyond the point where it can be helpful.


An upper urinary tract infection that reaches the kidneys are generally more severe than that of the lower genital organs (bladder and urethra), and is more painful and difficult to cure. Sometimes time and plenty fluid intake enough to allow the immune system to solve the problem yourself. but even more alarming cases, antibiotics are usually sufficient to resolve the problem. This could mean recipe for Levaquin or Macrodantin.

Underlying disease

One of the best ways to prevent renal dysfunction (a category of mild to moderately severe kidney disease) is to treat the underlying disease. Diabetes and a host of other diseases can cause kidney problems as a secondary effect. although hypertension (high blood pressure) can stress the kidneys.

You may be interested in reading Remedy for Urinary Tract Disorders and Prostrate Gland Remedies. if you want read more our site Home Remedies for Kidney Stone

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