Herpes? Symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on April 2, 2011

I went through the whole process of getting tested for herpes earlier this year and it cost a fair bit of money so id rather avoid doing it again.
This morning I woke up with a headache, swollen throat, slight dry raspy cough and feeling naseau all day. I was hungry so I had food so am not experiencing loss of appetite. My boyfriend has gential herpes. we are careful as possible. is it possible these are early warning signs of herpes II? also I have a small cut down there, not a bump or lesion and Ive had a cut like this down there before and it went away. Doesnt really hurt at all. thank you.


Read that.

Just so you know, my first herpes outbreak was a small cut and occassionally when I have outbreaks, they come in the form of cuts. Don't you have insurance where you can go get tested? The sickness you experienced sounds like the flu, but if you are going to obsess over if you have herpes or not, maybe you shouldn't date a guy with herpes because as careful as you two are, he can still spread it.

go to the doc herpes consist the site of out break is a tingly hurt feeling then a out break of bumps hurt and itchy u always get a tingly feeling b4 an out break

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