Home remedies for fithing effects of wrong eating

by Symptom Advice on December 21, 2010

During the festive season you may suffer from an upset stomach, a common, but no specific stomach ailment that is mostly caused due to irregular or wrong eating habits. In addition, food allergies tend to give rise to constant or chronic upset stomach. The condition could be accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, a sense of fullness in the stomach etc. More often than not, Upset Stomach is considered as a minor stomach problem that can be cured with the help of a numerous over the counter medicines as well as various safe and inexpensive natural home remedies for upset stomach relief.The natural treatment of effective upset stomach home remedies also emphasises on the inclusion of specific foods in the diet that are easy to digest and may cause further troubles. it is important to rely on your food for blood type list when using any of the remedies. Successful home treatment of upset stomach essentially depends on the underlying cause and the types of symptoms being experienced by the affected individual.

Causes of Upset StomachUpset stomach is commonly the result of overeating or eating too quickly. thus, having fried and spicy foods too often increases the risk of developing this troublesome problem. Factors like anxiety and stress may also increase the chances of developing symptoms of upset stomach. Besides, certain other causes leading to this stomach ailment are food allergies, food poisoning, and side effects of certain medications, motion sickness and digestive diseases such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Indigestion, Gastro Intestinal Reflux Disease, Pancreatitis, Stomach Ulcer, Gastritis and Appendicitis. Please note that food poisoning may not be deliberate but it is an acute, often severe gastrointestinal disorder characterised by vomiting and diarrhea and caused by eating food contaminated with bacteria, especially bacteria of the genus Salmonella, or the toxins they produce.

Common Symptoms of Upset Stomach are:Stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, bloating, heartburn, chest pain, flatulence, gassiness, diarrhea, lethargy and a general feeling of abdominal discomfort. Severe cases may be characterised by black or bloody stools and intense stomach pain.

Natural Home Remedies for Upset Stomach:Having ginger tea is one of the most popular natural home remedies for upset stomach in children as well as adults. it also helps to relieve stomach pain. However, ginger should not be consumed in excess in case of heartburn or gallstones. Other herbal teas like that of peppermint, cinnamon, chamomile etc are also beneficial in healing this problem naturally at home.n Consuming a mixture of lemon juice and honey in water is the simplest home remedy for stomach upset related symptoms of nausea and acidity.n Simply having a glass of water mixed with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar is useful in healing upset stomach caused by Indigestion.n Prepare a mixture by boiling some minced cinnamon in a glass of water and consume it one hour before having meals in order to prevent upset stomach related issues.n Massaging the abdominal area with some warm garlic oil helps to ease upset stomach and abdominal pain.n taking a combination of half a teaspoon of baking soda in about half a cup of water is a tried and tested upset stomach natural remedy.n take one spoon of flaxseed with warm water.n take two spoons sunflower seed with warm water.n take two spoons lemon with boiling water in 250mls cup and sip three times a day

Diet for Upset StomachDiet for dealing with upset stomach should positively include banana, rice, oatmeal, coconut water, vegetable soups, yogurt, buttermilk and other similar easily digestible foods. Eat the food slowly and chew it properly to facilitate the normal process of digestion and hence avoid stomach upset and other common digestive disorders. Avoid having dairy products, nuts, and spicy and sour foods as far as possible until the condition is relieved. Reduce the consumption of heavy and fatty foods, especially flesh foods, at least until the stomach upset is cured. also, stay away from baked beans, onions, cauliflowers, tomatoes and other similar foods.Having coffee, chocolate, alcohol, citrus fruits and fatty food items tends to worsen the heartburn related symptoms of upset stomach. Therefore, these items should also be avoided as far as possible. In addition, try to have a few smaller meals instead of going for one or two larger meals. last but not the least, make it a habit to exercise regularly in order to maintain a healthy body weight and reduce the chances of having indigestion, stomach upset and several other digestion related ailments.

Detoxing after the festive season:After the festive season when almost everyone has indulged. People will need to detox, a detox can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks so it’s wise to choose the right detox program that will suit you. also consider you sex, age, health status and blood type. You may refer to one of the detoxing programs that were presented in articles during the year.When people increased their alcohol consumption their bodies could not digest properly and toxins started being stored in the liver, blood and intestines. this may lead to bad digestion, poor skin complexion, constipation, tiredness and foggy brain function. if left unchecked all of these symptoms will cause the body to stress and carry excess weight which in turn can lead to heart disease, liver problems, high cholesterol and even diabetes. Imagine being sick during the first few days of the new Year.

A FIVE day simple detox diet:Day 1: Remove unhealthy foods and drinks from your diet. they are taxing your digestive system and they have to go. this means almost everything that comes in a package or in a box, and anything containing: Additives; Flavoring; Oils; Sugar and Sweeteners (read your food labels). Eat according to your food for blood type list.Day 2: You can eat as much fruit and vegetables as you want. You can eat the fruits as they are or you can get creative and make fruit salads, smoothies, purées or whatever wets your taste buds. As for the vegetables, you can make vegetable broths, freshly squeezed juices or just eat them raw in a salad with some nuts. Don’t go overboard with the nuts. Limit yourself to around two handfuls of nuts per day, otherwise you will be getting too much fat in your diet and this will tax your digestive system. Buy all your produce fresh, raw and organic if possible. if you live in an area where organic produce is not available then buy the next best thing. Avoid canned, frozen and packaged products at all costs, these are highly processed and are not particularly healthy. You can eat potatoes, rice and quinoa, but try to keep those to a minimum.Day 3: Eat your fruits and vegetables while taking water that is equivalent to ½ your body weight. So if you’re 150 pounds, you should drink at least 75 ounces of pure water. Water is very important in because it helps transport the toxins out of your system. Day 4: Replace two of your meals with freshly squeezed juices. You can blend any fruits and vegetables that you like. try not to skip the vegetables. Day 5: Eat your fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds alongside your two daily juices.

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