How can I reduce period pain/cramps and symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on April 17, 2011

I started my period today and hours after I woke up I had diarrhea, vomited two times and my stomach was hurting really badly. I tried to take midol even though I had vomited before taking it and I took it after I vomited so I did again. what should I do about this? my stomach hurts a lot and the diarrhea and vomiting don't help either.

Please help

My step daughter (14) has those same symptoms when hers starts… the first thing I suggest is to see a doctor to rule out anything serious. then I would suggest what our pediatritian (doctor for children) recommended. he said that she could take either ibuprofen (motrin,advil etc) or aleve for about a week or two before she is supposed to start her period and during the time that she is on it. it seems to help, but you should talk with your doc first….also do not do that if you are sensitive to these medicines.
good luck
p.s. also would like to say that I wished we had asked doctor sooner, because she had suffered for a long long time ( she started hers at nine years old)

That's odd. Usually period shouldn't really give you symptoms. maybe see a doctor? When you get your period, make sure you don't do any sports. Relax as much as you can to calm your cramps down.

this seems to work for me…

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