How can I test that my son 3years old has Autism symptoms? The methods to confirm before going to a doctor.?

by Symptom Advice on March 3, 2011

Autism is not a yes or no diagnosis. There is actually many "levels" of autism that can be demonstrated in children. In fact, they call it the Autism Spectrum.

My son was just clinically tested for autism and to be honest with you, there's no way I could have performed those tests. my son was found NOT to have autism, but ADHD, which is somewhat different.

His symptoms were alienation from his peers, trouble in school, trouble with his handwriting skills, forgetfulness, etc.

You're not going to be able to diagnose something like this on your own and be certain. The best thing you can do for your son is find a really good pediatric doctor and start down the path of identifying your son's needs. whether he has some level of autism, ADD, ADHD or other diagnosis, the sooner you get started towards finding an effective treatment, the better off your son will be.

God bless.

Well, lack of speech is a big sign. Or lack of social interaction, no eye contact, not liking to be touched…all signs. very picky or unusual eating habits, thats a big one. The main thing with my son is that it is very hard to get his attention. It has gotten better, but when he was first diagnosed, you could say his name maybe 8 times and he would respond only 1 time…

Autism is very hard because there are so many normal behaviors also for most kids. But if you see things that could hold him back (not talking, not being social, not eating normally (picky, etc)) its time to get him in to the doc.

there is many signs and the vary with each individual.. i suggest going to the autism speaks website.. very helpful! dont wait to get a diagnosis either.. the sooner you know for sure, the sooner you can start really help that child! DONT WAIT SEE THE NEUROLOGIST ASAP! Good luck!

I think it would be best to go see a doctor, they can make the decision if they think he may need some testing or whatever.


Take this test:…

it's not black and white so just write down the reasons you suspect this condition. like not making eye contact.

Self diagnosis isn't going to do you or your son any favors. go to the doctor!!!

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