How can you tell the difference between symptoms of hemmroids and symptoms of colon cancer?

by Symptom Advice on April 12, 2011

a worried 16 year old male here

Rhoids occur inside or outside the anus and become painful or bleed a little when defecating. The veins are swollen so a hard stool irritates the tissue and becomes painful. Colon cancer is in the colon, or your stomach area. It can also produce some bloody discharge, but at 16, it's pretty safe to say you are not a cancer patient. if you are worried, see your doctor.

"Rhoids" occur much closer to the "end process" than bowel cancer would under most circumstances.
They are also many, many times more common.
If you are really concerned, see a doctor.
The idea of sitting at home worrying about cancer scares me much more than any treatment that may be required.

Evan you do not have colon cancer.

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