How do I stop my allergy symptoms without meds?

by Symptom Advice on December 21, 2010

My seasonal allergies are absoloutley driving me crazy. I have a runny/stuffy nose, insanely itchy eyes, and an itchy throat. I'm allergic to about everything outdoors, plus animal hair. My prescribed medications aren't working at all. How can I stop the symptoms without medication?

Please don't suggest to avoid the things I'm allergic to. It's hard to avoid the outside.

You don't want to go see a regular physician because they will just want you to get shots and put you on more meds which don't do nothing it just supresses the symptoms instead of getting to the root of the problem. I too used to suffer from horrible allergies to where I needed an inhaler and couldn't even breathe and yes to stuff out side too. I started to take this stuff called ALJ or Histablock.

ALJ is an herbal blend that actually helps in not just taking the symptoms away but builds your immune system to fight it. for instance if you are allergic to cotton if you start to take it every time you have an attack or reaction until your symptoms stop then next time you get a smell of it your immune system will fight it off naturally and eventually you won't have a reaction to it at all.

With Histablock it does the same thing but is much more stronger. usually works with in 20 minutes. I take 4 every hour until the symptoms stop with Histablock and with ALJ I take 2 every hour until symptoms stop.

There's a really simple natural way to relieve your allergies. You rinse out your nose! it sounds gross and painful, but it's not. well, maybe a little gross. When I do it, it relieves my allergies for days! it even helps when I have a cold. the article below has instructions and a video that will show you how. (It's a bit tricky, but definitely worth the trouble.)

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