How do I stop the symptoms of my allergies?

by Symptom Advice on March 15, 2011

I live in Northern New Jersey, and last year was when I first learned that I had outdoor allergies. I am experiencing red eyes and a runny nose, and I'm sick of it. I have to go outside a lot because I excersize everyday, so what are my options to relieve my situation?

use nasonex.. that stuff rocks!
much better then allegra!

There are several medications that can alleviate your allergy symptoms. see a pharmacist for advice. be sure to indicate if you are taking other medications as well.

Tylenol maximum strength allergy.

I find that zyrtec (prescription only) works for me…but it makes me extremely tired. if you have health insurance, I would get allergy shots…

you'll have to see your doctor for a prescription of allegra, works good..

Dairy food can aggravate these allergies, so if you reduce milk/cheese around the summertime that can help. Eating local honey is supposed to help as well.

medincine's like zrytec and claritin and antihistamines help…I found that singulair although an asthsma medication helps. but here's a real tip go to a health store or look on the web for something called a chinese teapot or a neti pot this is really just a small horn shaped contraption that you fill with warm water and non iodized salt and once or twice a day you run the solution through your sinuses. it has really helped me

The first stop should be your doctor. For most allergies an injection once or twice a year will keep you sniffle and itch free.(eyes) if that doesn't work, any otc medicine that says non-drowsy will help.

You need an Antihistamine there are several over the counter. My favorite is Clar*i*t*i*n, generic name is lorata*dine. Follow the directions on the box. Benadryl is also an antihistamine but causes many people drowsiness.


Take anti-allergy medication or avoid exposure to allergens as much as possible. its best to consult your doctor.

You can try over the counter antihistamines, and if they don't work for you, see a doctor and get prescription antihistimines….

I have bad allergies myself, and have just about tried all theme all… lol

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