How do pregnancy symptoms differ when on birth control?

by Symptom Advice on February 15, 2011

Has anyone gotten pregnant while on a b/c pill? Was there any noticible difference in symptoms than
a pregnancy not started while on birth control?

yep, right now, no, no difference

my daughter did get pregnant while on birth control pills…she kept taking them until the day she found out she was pregnant at 8 weeks,,,the only symptom she had was a missed period at first…then came the tender breasts, nausea, etc..she's 22 weeks pregnant, and all is well…

you know my b/f mother missed a pill one day and got pregnant with her oldest son and kept taking them for months……im not sure if symptoms were diff…..not to scare you or make fun i promise but her son did come out gay maybe tomany hormones but you should really find out for sure

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