How Does Dyslexia Affect Your Life?

by Symptom Advice on January 25, 2011

Dyslexia in adults is more common then most realize, and it can have a number of significant impacts on a person’s life. for example, students often struggle the most with the condition. Dyslexia can take its toll on a student, and there are a number of effects that can occur.

For example, dyslexia can affect perception. While reading, it may appear to a person suffering with dyslexia that the letters on a page are dancing. although to some this might seem “cool,” it can be the cause of very bad headaches. it also means that the person will usually give up reading, which is vital to learning.

Concentrating on anything can also be a difficult task. Memory problems also occur and it is often difficult for someone to be able to retain recently gathered information. Restlessness is also a common problem associated with dyslexia.

Obviously, spelling is significantly hampered. it can be a nearly impossible task to use right parts of speech, grammar and correct punctuation. anyone who has suffered or is currently suffering from dyslexia can agree that the most difficult task is reading. Words that are spelled and look similar often get mixed up.

There are many other effects that occur from having dyslexia, and some are not as common as others. for example, someone might suffer from time management, have a hard time in writing down notes, and their handwriting can also be very poor.

Even though dyslexia is a common problem and it is widely researched and studied, there are still many misconceptions about the medical condition. it is a common problem for those that don’t understand the condition to consider those that suffer from it to be less intelligent or dumb. This becomes a very serious problem as it destroys any self confidence that the person with dyslexia might have. They often become depressed, and feel rejected and different from others.

Even though there are so many negative impacts of dyslexia, those that suffer from it often are advanced in other areas such as creativity. Most that have dyslexia are very creative and many have become famous for their creative ideas and personality. many present their ideas in the form of images instead of text. They can often think in terms of pictures and have an amazing imagination. with the proper support, love, and care they can often excel to unimaginable heights.

As stated earlier, much study has been given this medical condition. it has been suggested that the brain of a dyslexic person functions differently. Obviously, the part of the brain that helps the person read is diminished. If you suffer from dyslexia it is highly recommended that you take an adult dyslexia test. the sooner the condition is diagnosed and treated, the better the chances of success in treatment are.

Bart IclesAbout the Author:

Bart Icles writes about the effects of dyslexia and the misconceptions many have of the condition. If you think you may be dyslexic, take an adult dyslexia symptoms.

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