How fast can animals display symptoms of rabies?

by Symptom Advice on December 12, 2010

my cat is acting strange since she fought with a stray cat. she fought with the cat like an hour or two ago and the stray cat is still at the door making noise. now i notice my cat is more feisty, she stratched at me a little and kinda get mad at the noises of the other cat. is this normal? should I be worried if she has rabbies. she isnt bleeding or have deep bite marks. should i be worry about my health. thanks everyone

The incubation period is 2weeks to over 6 months.

Bring her to the vet, and please try not to have too much contact with her as much as possible. ask him if you need to have a vaccination ASAP.

Here is a link that will tell you all about Rabies.ā€¦

quarenteen here in a room for 10 days and observe her to see if there is any changes in her personality and health.

Someone else gave you the time frame for symptoms, so I won't repeat that.

Right now she may be responding to the continued presence of this intruder.

NOW… why didn't you get your cat vaccinated against rabies? If you did, you wouldn't be going through this worry.

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