How long can anxiety symptoms last after you start to feel better?

by Symptom Advice on December 23, 2010

basically, i was taking anxiety pills for a few weeks and i stopped using them about 2 months ago because i felt a lot better, and i wasn't suffering from panic attacks. now i am off of them, i'm not suffering from panic attacks, but i get the occasional chest pains, back aches, abdominal pain and headaches, and i'm now curious as to how long these symptoms may last? I am pretty sure they're the symptoms of anxiety because i have still been getting slightly anxious on/off and i still stress at times. How long can they last without treatment?

The symptoms will probably last until you get back on your medication. most people decide that they are feeling better and decided that they don't need their medications any longer. They are feeling better because they are on their medications and when they stop they may go through physical withdrawal as soon you as if you are and the symptoms of anxiety will return. get back on your medications. You will feel a lot better.

Get a full body massage from a certified practitioner. it will make you feel a lot better. I'd recommend one once a week but if you can't afford that, do it at least once a month. Massage therapy is wonderful for anyone suffering from any kind of anxiety.

Something you need to understand.If you have anxiety you also have depression.They are both different ends of the same stick.These pills havent helped you and they never will because they whole problem is in your thoughts.the docs give you these pills to keep you happy because they are not experts in anxiety and depression.Ive become a bit of an expert in anxiety and depression because i had it for 8 years and i learned how to overcome it all by myself.These pains and things your getting is caused by stress.Its like swinging on a tree branch the tree is under stress.the only way the stress will go away is if you stop swinging on the branches.the branches are your thoughts and once you release the stress full thoughts the stress will go away.Depression is caused by stress and anxiety is caused by fear of the unknown.

1.Learn how to meditate the ultimate stress buster.
2.Do yoga.Releases stress from your body and mind makes you feel relaxed and helps to kill anxiety.
3.Study yoga and its wisdom

You might think im having a laugh but im serious do all 3 of these things and you will feel like a new person in time.You ahve to make an effort and stop taking the pills because the truth is they dont work and are just a temporary fix.I didnt type all this for no reason i want to help you because ive been through hell and back with depression and anxiety and now i feel better than ever before.

If you keep taking medication im going to be really disspointed

Hi, I am sorry to hear that. I will advice you to have some massage, sitting in a hot bath tub, try reasing something you like, sit with your close friends, listen to the musics that makes you happy, drink chomomiel and some warm herbs, if you like dancing, then you can have a headphone in your head and dance, it really helps me and I feel happy. go for a vacation near the sea, try to draw or paint, play brain games like sudoku or some other games that will make your mind busy. it will helps so well. try to wear "moon stone" as a necklace it will take away your worries. I have anxiety too and i can understand you. try to not be depended on the medicines, because they won't cure you they just make you stop being worried but when you stop them every thing will trun back, just try my advices and you will see the different, I wish you will feel better soon dear . wish you luck!

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