How long can it take for genital herpes symptoms to effect?

by Symptom Advice on December 2, 2010

Today my girlfriend tells me her doctor says she has genital herpes… we have been together about 3 1/2 months, I do not have herpes. does this mean she has been cheating on me or can it take this long for symptoms to occur?

It can take any amount of time to show. sometimes 6 months or sometimes even more. the best thing to do is to get yourself checked because if you do have it, even though you don't have symptoms, you can still spread it around to other partners. stop the cycle and stop the wondering and just go get checked out. As for her cheating, she could have had it before she met you but just now found out but that's between you and her and your trust.

I apparently had it for years before I had an outbreak. I was married almost 5 years. I did not cheat on my spouse, and my spouse never got them, so I had to have had them for a very long time without knowing it.

Symptoms might NEVER show up with herpes. You may even be the carrier.

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