How long do the symptoms of strep throat last after starting antibiotics?

by Symptom Advice on May 10, 2011

I woke up Friday morning with a raging sore throat. as the day progressed I felt worse and worse. Body aches…fever etc. So I went to the doctor on Saturday and was told I tested postive for strep. the doctor gave me a 10 day prescription of amoxicillin. now my question is this: how long do the symptoms remain after you start taking the amoxicillin? I do not think I have ever in my life had such severe pain in my throat! It is so hard to swallow and I have not had a full nights sleep in two days now. I am manging my fever alternating between tylenol and ibuprofen. I have taken three amoxicillin caps so far, which equals to one day.

thats normal strep-throat and yes it sucks you should start feeling better soon but if your not better by monday or tuesday I would atleast call your dr's office and check in with them there maybe something they can suggest you do for sleep and the sore throat but myself generally after about 24hours of the anitbiotic it usually takes the fever away and then I feel better……get well soon…..happy New Year

Use warm saline gargles for further relief. Two days should make you feel better, but not completely cure you.

Normally you would have relief in 48 hours. Don't forget to finish your prescription. Don't stop taking the antibiotics when the pain stops because the infection is not completely gone. If the pain persists on the third day contact the doctor and get a stronger prescription.

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