How long does it take a cat to show signs of rabies after exposure?

by Symptom Advice on March 31, 2011

  • jsosjsjs said,

    Cats can show signs of rabies in about 7 days after contracting it from a bite from a rabid animal. the only way to test an animal for rabies is for it to be killed and have it’s brain examined . But, cats can be kept on "rabies watch" for 10 days to see if they have rabies based on any symptoms.

    Symptoms vary as well as being different during the three stages of the rabies virus. Some animals seem to only have two stages. In brief, at first a cat may have a fever and frequently lick the site of the bite for a day or so. next, in the "furious form", the cat may be very agitated, lose all caution and fear, and be hypersensitive to noise and visual stimuli, including light. There is often aggressive and erratic behavior. the cat may then move on to seizures, then death. Some cats go on to the paralytic, "dumb", third stage, which causes increasing paralysis of the facial muscles, resulting in drooling or foaming at the mouth. Staggering and difficulty walking with the hind legs is sometimes noted. the cat may seem unusually tame along with some other signs. the animal weakens, stops breathing, then dies. This stage usually develops 2-4 days after the first signs of rabies are observed.

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  • Kathleen said,

    I don’t know but have they called their vet? if there is a chance of rabies, they’ll want the bat to test it and they may want to quarantine the cat.

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  • dressage artist said,

    Tell them to NOT wait for symptoms. They need to take him to a vet IMMEDIATELY. Waiting for signs can cause the cat physical and mental damage if they wait that long. it will be best for the cat, other pets in the vincity and the owners.Don’t wait for symptoms.

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  • `riot said,

    It can take anywhere between 2 weeks to 2 years.if the cat was vaccinated for rabies, he should be okay. if he wasn’t vaccinated, I recommend watching the animal for any signs and getting the animal vaccinated.There is only one way to test the animal. that requires the animal’s head to be decapitated and the brain to be observed for rabies.

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