How long does it take for Symptoms of STDS to show up?

by Symptom Advice on March 30, 2011

How long does it take for Symptoms of STDS/AIDS to show up? and after how long of not seeing symptoms is it okay to feel safe that you have not contracted anything ( assuming that you no longer have sex or anything ). Thanks =D.

7 day minimum,
usually like syphilis you will see and feel pain.
gonorrhea on the other hand is a 7-10 day result and it may take 30.
tape the wee wee up if n doubt

It depends on the STD. Some things, like gonnorrhea, will show up within a few days to a week. other things, like HPV (genital warts) may take up to 10 years to show signs. if you think you have an STD the best thing to do is go to the doc and get tested becuase left untreated, they can cause serious harm to your reproductive organs. and if you aren't in a monogomous relationship, you should definately take precautions, because some STDs you can't get rid of.

i was told someone i messed around with had hiv ( was just a joke) but on the safe side i got tested and the results were negative and this was about 2 months after we messed around, but the Dr told me to come back in 6 months to get tested again cause it does not always show up right away , i am not sure about anything else, but if u even think u might have something get tested cause some thing might be showing signs but are easly dismissed as something else not so serious

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