by Symptom Advice on December 7, 2010

Since my last period, i have been trying for a baby, just in case i might have actually become pregnant i was wondering whether you can have pregnancy like symptoms, before you realise you've missed a period? or is it too soon.

i keep getting cramp's in my stomach and feel bloated…?

well sometimes people get a bit crampy before a period, i know I do…and most women def get bloated..could be PMS symptoms but you never know

I know i had sore breasts, sensitive skin, and i was really moody "a few days before my period was expected" then i took a first response test 5 days before my missed and got a positive pregnancy test.

I got lucky tho, i guess a lot of women cant get a positive until like a week after they missed.

It varies from woman to woman. some woman get symptoms immediately, others never get any. If you're trying to get pregnant or believe that you are, you could also be having fake symptoms. That's where your mind believes something and causes a reaction that you'd be expecting to happen to your body. So in other words, a false positive. However, if you are pregnant, I believe you can start to feel symptoms two weeks after conception. But I'm not entirely sure on that one. also, cramps aren't usually a symptom of pregnancy, if you are pregnant and having cramps, that's usually a sign that something serious could be wrong. I hope this helps, and you should definitely take a pregnancy test if you miss your next period. good luck!

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